Africa Sucks, Part 4261


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/08/2010 at 10:00 PM   
  1. Please. Its just a Blood Fued and its been on going since islam and christianity got to meet 1200 years ago.Like you say, More of the same.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/09/2010  at  12:32 AM  

  2. I have to wonder - how can this have been going on since 1967 - when we continue to have those staggering numbers (I’m sorry do these people breed in litters?) and the US continues to funnel in millions, I am sure, of money that appears to be going simply to fund a centuries old battle? How in the heck are ‘completely’ wiped out towns able to come back and be part of another of another feud a decade later?

    Since we did such a smash up job in Kosovo/Bosnia etc over something damn similar - shouldn’t the UN have stepped in decades ago? Oh yeah, evil bushitlerburtonco decided to go to the head of this particular snake and The Won thinks that there is no snake out there - except in his backyard - and his ‘snake’ is white, rich and bible readers.

    Is there a single part of Afrika that is civilized in the least - and why do we pore financial aid into it at all - sort of like the UN - providing hard earned tax dollars to a place that hates us and is working toward eventually destroying us - isn’t that treason?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/09/2010  at  08:09 AM  

  3. Wardmama, I ask myself the same question, every year, when we hear about the annual famine or unchecked epidemic of some horrible disease. How can there be any people left? And yet, every year ... “tens of thousands die due to XXXX!!” “Millions of refugees flee war in ZZZZ!! Thousands starving!!!” It never changes.

    Smartest thing homo sapiens sapiens ever did was move the heck out of there.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/09/2010  at  08:46 AM  

  4. 1) The religion of peace at work.  One more reason to remember that Islamists don’t play well with others.  Is it still discrimination to recognize that someone belongs to a violent organization and behave accordingly?

    2) During the colonial era, portions of Africa were actually fairly civilized.  From Algeria to South Africa, wherever European civilization ruled, there was at least a modicum of law and order, some semblance of human rights and justice.  Since the end of the colonial era, we have watched Africa become a festering wound of human misery.  Regardless of whatever evils were practiced by the European colonists, I cannot imagine that it was anywhere near as bad as what is now happening.

    3) Why are there still lots of Africans?  Easy.  F*cking is still a lot more fun than anything else that’s going on over there.

    4) No kidding, the financial aid seems to be a total waste.  Whatever doesn’t get eaten up by corruption seems to do no good at all.  In some ways it actually seems to make things worse.  Even the limited amount of modern medicine that the Africans have has greatly reduced the infant mortality rate, adding to the population explosion and increasing the number of starving people.  Is it a good thing to save the life of an infant, just so that infant can starve to death later?

    5) Show of hands now, how many are in favor of making all future aid contingent upon a return to colonialism?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/09/2010  at  03:38 PM  

  5. Actually Doc, I could go far a COMPLETE blockading of the country. Nothing comes or goes until they can prove that they can play nice with each other, much less the world community. Nothing in, anything coming out gets turned into their component molecules.
    Just keep info coming in via TV and Radio sending in How-To shows, like “how not to have sex with chimps and put seeds into the ground instead”, or “how not to urinate in your water supply and irrigate the land instead” and possibly “How to do simple maths. 12,000 civilians with sticks and stones >200 people with AK-47s.”

    We blockaded Cuba for ideological differences, I think we have a greater rift with Africa.

    Just being mean today..

    Oh, and Colonialism? As the countries ask for it. After a few years of starvation (read: Living in their own filth) they are liable to beg for it.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   03/09/2010  at  04:45 PM  

  6. Roland was a warrior from the Land of the Midnight Sun
    With a Thompson gun for hire, fighting to be done
    The deal was made in Denmark on a dark and stormy day
    So he set out for Biafra to join the bloody fray

    Yeah, some of us remember Biafra.

    Some of us also remember that:

    Africa is God’s Country, and He can have it.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/11/2010  at  10:07 PM  

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