Posted by peiper    United States   on 06/16/2011 at 11:09 AM   
  1. Here in Clinton ... when there are no witnesses ... we aim for the geese. The beta wave of goslings - hatch #2 - is out and about. They’re at that “cute” stage, which lasts about a week with Canada geese. Soon they’ll look like deformed chickens undergoing chemotherapy, and be nearly full grown 8-10 weeks later.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/16/2011  at  12:07 PM  

  2. Canadian geese aka poop machines. Green goop is everywhere they “go.” You can’t walk where they have been for all they leave behind. Annoying buggers. Loud and noisy too.

    Posted by BaldEagle    United States   06/16/2011  at  01:11 PM  

  3. If you are ever near a flock of geese on the ground, and they take off in your direction, run away as fast as you can.

    Geese let loose any “excess baggage” when they lift off. We call it the Green Rain.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/16/2011  at  03:18 PM  

  4. Drew ... how the heck did you locate the other photos on the swan in traffic on M4?

    It’s a gift. Right?

    You won’t believe time I spent looking for the others and came up empty.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/17/2011  at  07:16 AM  

  5. No, not a gift. When TinEye failed to find the photo, I used Google to find the article, and the other pics were there. “Swan M4” was all it took. Looked at 2 or 3 articles, saw the reference to earlier livestock caused traffic jams (the English call them “tailbacks”, which I knew from reading all those Pratchett books) and Googled them in a similar fashion. Grab links, paste. I didn’t link to the story about the last time it happened with a swan, which was almost exactly 8 years earlier.

    In America we have these amazing things called “fences” which keep the animals off the roadways.


    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/17/2011  at  07:48 AM  

  6. Must be a pretty high fence for a bird Drew???

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   06/17/2011  at  07:57 AM  

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