A view of America thru the eyes of an ass**** and spoken thru the same orifice.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/09/2010 at 06:05 AM   
  1. The cardinal is obviously one of the weeping moonbats you see protesting every execution with friggin candles.  Give a thought to the families of the victims of these poor criminals you love so much.  And we are not in the company of the Saudis or Iraq.  They execute people for nothing at all.  Here you really have to do something awful.  Mind your own business Cardinal Globalist.  Keep your relativist,wrist slapping, bullshit to yourself.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/09/2010  at  06:50 AM  

  2. Do you know what is at the end of this moonbat’s

    “revenge is not a path we should take”.

    rainbow? ANARCHY

    The absence of laws and their corresponding consequences is total chaos.

    A legal sentence, set out after the process of arrest, trial and sentencing is NOT revenge - it is criminal/legal justice. Revenge would be the 270 victims families catching him and beating him up or burning his body and hanging it from a bridge. Oh wait, my bad, those too are terrorist tactics. Damn.

    270 fatalities (259 in aircraft, 11 on the ground) for what purpose???? To instill fear in a group of people/country - which is terrorism -which is in fact an act of war.

    That the man was not executed immediately shows our civilized and decent behavior, that the man got a better prison ‘existence’ than he would have in most countries of the World shows our humanity - that he got released to go home to ‘die’ - shows our utter stupidity as to the enemy we are fighting.

    The questions that should be posed to the Cardinal are these - What would you want a society to do to/for a person who kills 270 strangers for a ‘political’ statement? And then, please research what his ‘home’ country would do to someone who did the exact same thing?

    Bet that Lebanon would not be so ‘civilized’ to that terrorist -oh wait, such a thing would never happen as civilized people do not kill innocents to make political statements.

    What a schmuck - and no wonder ‘religions’ are in the trash heap with ‘Leaders’ like this.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/09/2010  at  08:04 AM  

  3. When I have time to cool down and think about it, I tend to agree with catman. Killing the sob is just letting him out of his misery. ocm is right.

    Guest ... Thank you much. I didn’t know how to get that address. Very often I see things in the paper and want to write but the paper doesn’t always list an email addrss.

    How did you find it? And I hope others here will write to the jerk.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/09/2010  at  11:05 AM  

  4. And how bloody is that guy’s asshole?

    Posted by Macker    United States   08/09/2010  at  11:20 AM  

  5. Didnt the catholic church sponsor the IRA??, what good could have been done with the vast sums o money wasted keeping Myra Hindley alive for 38 years????

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/09/2010  at  04:54 PM  

  6. Hmm, I seem to remember something about a time called the Spanish inquisition. It hurt and killed people in the name of god or some such nonesense.
    Am I the only one who smells a bit of revisionism on the cardinals part ???????????????

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/10/2010  at  03:24 PM  

  7. Whilst I disagree with the decision to release Al-Megrahi Chris makes a good point. For years the US refused to extradite convicted and suspected IRA terrorists who had fled to the US. Whining about Al-Megrahi smacks of hypocrisy of the highest order. What goes around comes around as they say.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   08/10/2010  at  09:25 PM  

  8. Lyndon, while we all heard about the bombings and murders and that’s exactly what they were,
    all during that time I honestly do not recall reading about or hearing about the US refusing to send back killers to the UK for trial.  I do not doubt you for a minute because I only heard about that AFTER I moved here.  I can’t imagine what excuses our govt. would have offered to refuse extradition of cold blooded killers.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/11/2010  at  06:07 AM  

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