A Timely Response


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/20/2015 at 02:28 PM   
  1. They are always trying to destroy my GOD GIVEN RIGHTS because they are to stooooooooopid to stop the criminals.  If Korey was packing, (probably can’t in joisey) there would be one dead monkey and a few more people alive.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/20/2015  at  05:56 PM  

  2. He may have been completely blindsided. You can have a machine gun in your hands, but if you don’t see it coming when you don’t expect it, you’re still a goner. The two in the car were just shot at random, ‘tis said. There was no rhyme or reason for any of these, although it’s a given he likely had some kind of argument with his cousin, the first shooting victim.

    I had two points with this post. The first, since I live right here, not far from either Easton PA or Linden NJ (NJ is a tiny state), this whole rampage was complete news to me until I saw the headline on the smallest of local weekly papers. So we had a major multi-murder, several of them, but it was barely news because #blacklivesmatter - oh wait - #nobodygivesashit. The second was the knee jerk push for gun control, trying to make it law to not sell ammo after 8pm or whatever. If he had not been able to buy ammo that night, he would have bought it the next day and gone on his next killing spree then. Different people would be dead, but probably as many or more would have died in the alternate situation.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/20/2015  at  09:46 PM  

  3. What I find interesting - is that there is no bio popping up in regards to our gentle giant killer out for a candy and tea break. I mean I’m with you - #nobodygivesashit. Except the family of our intrepid killer who want to blame everyone else but the killer himself.

    He’s such a nice guy, loves puppies and yes he is a dope dealer (or user) but he’s cleaning up his act and is about to go to, sorry apply to go to college, oops maybe get his GED.

    Meanwhile poor O’Malley has to apologize for saying all lives matter.

    Stephen - no the Congresscritters/local politicos are not stupid. This is intentional to give criminals more rights than society, to keep chaos and crime high (see criminal illegal invaders on this aspect) and then they have a reason every so often to attempt some stupid gun control measure. Or now - blame the whites. Oops - racist whites.

    After the VA debacle of taking guns from Veterans who need assistance with managing their money - Obama just kicked it through to Social Security - bet SSI is next on that list.

    I just can’t believe that anyone in Congress keeps going along with this bs.

    We are in deep, deep really insane crappola.

    I just hope that I live long enough for the pendulum to swing back the other way - and that it is NOT at the hands of the radical extremists who happen to be islamic.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/21/2015  at  06:44 AM  

  4. It’s such a shame that everyone wants to hold Wal Mart or Glock accountable for the act(s) of some nut job, but when you flip the coin - we can’t hold a Doctor guilty of selling fetal remains accountable.

    Oh wait, let’s ban the guns, ban the violent video games that give these people the ideas, blah, blah, blah. Has no one ever read Edgar Alan Poe? Ban Frankenstein because some one might start digging up bodies to make themselves a transgender friend.

    I Can’t wait until Failafornia breaks off and sinks - O will loose a lot of campaign contributions!

    Posted by jackal40    United States   07/22/2015  at  06:46 PM  

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