A shopkeeper could be charged with murder after defending himself


Can’t wait to see your commentsd on this one. 

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 02/21/2008 at 04:25 AM   
  1. And yet at the same time they wonder why people aren’t willing to jump in and save a neighbor from assault.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   02/21/2008  at  05:07 AM  

  2. This one is too simple, too sick, too much like so much that we have seen before.  Does anyone have a fresh take on this slow motion disaster?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/21/2008  at  05:59 AM  

  3. If you have no right to defend the fruits of your labors, what right have you to your labors?

    If you have no right to your labors, what right have you to your life?

    What did we once call such a state of affairs?

    Simple criminals like those described in this news story are actually better and more honest men than the rackets bums who are shrewd enough to infest governments, where they can do their foul work with impunity under the guise of law.

    Nor should it be any surprise to find such vile creatures easing all ways for their simpler brethren of the streets.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   02/21/2008  at  07:54 AM  

  4. With a name like Singh, my first response was to say

    You do not mess with the Sikhs. Especially with knives. Of all people, I would have thought the Brits knew that best.

    How racist of me. (but how true as well)

    Then I linked to the article and saw the fellow’s picture. He looks like any other Briton to me. Reading the article, it sounds like this was a vicious close quarters fight in the dark. Mr. Singh was fighting for his life against a violent career thug. Pure self defense is my call.

    Mr. Singh was cut in the neck and in the back, and bashed up in the face. This isn’t going to stop him from going right back to working 14 hour days running his store.

    Yeah baby, a nation of shopkeepers. But fiesty ones!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/21/2008  at  09:47 AM  

  5. Drew you are right don’t mess with a Sikh i just hope common sense prevails and they don’t press charges. This guy should get a medal for ridding us of a worthless scumbag.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   02/21/2008  at  10:54 AM  

  6. Dumb question time again.  Is there the slightest chance that they’re going to hold just enough of an inquest to make it official that Mr. Singh acted in self defense or is there a real possibility that they’re going to charge him with murder?  That he had to post bail makes me worry. 

    From my point of view:

    1) Kilroe approached Singh.
    2) Kilroe broke the window on Singh’s car with the butt of a knife.
    3) Kilroe then attacked Singh through the broken window.
    4) Singh fought back, presumably in defense of his life as much or more then the defense of his property. He’s just been attacked by a knife wielding thug.
    5) The knife Kilroe brought with him, was big enough to shatter a car’s window.  You can’t do that with a little pen knife or almost any sort of kitchen knife.  Something more like a large Buck Knife or hunting knife is required.
    6) Mr. Singh had 2 knife wounds and assorted bruising. 
    7) Kilroe is reported as having only one stab wound in his chest. 
    8) Kilroe was killed with the knife he had used to attack Mr. Singh.

    Is the prosecution going to argue that once Kilroe was not in control of the knife, that Mr. Singh should have backed off?  If Mr. Singh had backed off, what reason was there to believe that Kilroe would have ceased the attack after demonstrating so much aggressive behavior? 

    It sounds like reasonable self defense to me, but then, I have faced a mugger.  I feel fortunate that it was not necessary for me to injure or kill the mugger and that I was not injured or killed.  Once the incident began, not all the choices were mine, but I did manage success in driving him away.  It was a very close thing, luck as much as anything else.  Do any of those who will sit in judgment of Mr. Singh have any similar experience?  Sometimes it’s hard not to think that many courts, British and American both, have lost their sense of reality. 

    I suppose that there’s some hope for him because of Mr. Vara’s position in Parliament, but it’s still very worrying.  Is there a British Johnny Cochran?  While on our side of the Atlantic, the rules still allow us some latitude in defending ourselves, the British are our closest kin on the planet and it’s not hard to see Britain as a possible future for us.  To make a slight variation on Tannenberg’s comment; if you do not have the right to defend yourself from physical attack, you have no other rights at all.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/21/2008  at  02:43 PM  

  7. Move here - we’ve had - I guess our first this year - victim lethally fighting back - our local DA said he would never file charges on someone defending themselves, their family or their home/business. The big stink on this one was that the local business owner ran out into the street chasing the guy - shooting at him. . .The msm (of course) fail to mention that this is the 3rd or 4th time this particular shop was robbed - talk about giving the criminals more than a chance to leave him alone.

    At the same time the msm is after the DA for not prosecuting those who fight back - our crime rate has gone down for the first time since the politicos neutered the police in 2001. I wonder if there is a connection to an armed (and not punished) people and the lowering of the crime rate. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/22/2008  at  09:07 AM  

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