A satirist dealt a cutting blow to Sarah Palin over the weekend.  HUH? I missed something?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/15/2008 at 11:28 AM   
  1. Saw it. Laughed. Thought Fey does a great Palin. However, IMHO, the comment “I can see Russia from my house,” is in fact evidence that Gov. Palin has greater foreign relations cred than the Obamessiah. How much international work do you have to do from the Ill State House? Fishing rights and border issues are not the same as peace negotiations, but they are more than nothing…

    Posted by Spike72AFA    United States   09/15/2008  at  12:47 PM  

  2. Saw it. Laughed. Thought Fey does a great Palin. Check.

    IMO Hillary took a harder hit than Sarah.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   09/15/2008  at  02:09 PM  

  3. Agreed. They goofed on Hillary just as much or more than Palin. It was a pretty funny skit.

    I don’t think anybody with a lick of sense would call this “a cutting blow”. Grow up!

    Cute BS news quote over at HuffPo too:

    If you’re wondering what Sarah Palin thought about Tina Fey’s spot-on impression of her on last night’s season premiere of Saturday Night Live, Palin’s only comment was that she had once dressed up as Tina Fey for Halloween.

    Hey, I think that’s pretty funny. But of course HuffPo takes the scenic douchebag route, and continues

    Seems she’s not nearly so charming without a script written by Fact Forger. Of all the remarks she might have made, the one she did make seems the most alienating.

    Yup, humorless retards. The whole bunch.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/15/2008  at  02:38 PM  

  4. No one’s commenting on how they threw Hillary under the bus.

    “The Presidency should be mine.  Mine.  MINE.  MINE MINE MINE!”

    She was treated far more harshly than Palin.

    Hope she and Bill have a nice remote retirement home picked out....

    Posted by TimO    United States   09/15/2008  at  04:07 PM  

  5. Maybe as the leftards dont understand than their act is the “kings new clothes 2008” they (telegraph is lefty, it is MSM so I repeat myself) have to cling to straws, wishfull thinking thats all.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    United Kingdom   09/15/2008  at  05:18 PM  

  6. A retirement home for Bill and Hillary?  Is someone going to re-open Alcatraz?

    I agree, Sarah came out ahead on this skit.  And it’s nice to know that she has actually seen Russia, as opposed to certain other specimens who’d be in over their heads trying to find it on a map.


    Seriously, though, the Hildabeest hasn’t forgotten how her crown was jerked away from her after she’d fondled it for years on end.

    “It’s ours, and we wants it!  We wants it!” Indeed.

    Behind that pretty letterbox smile of hers, read a thirst for revenge.  We haven’t heard the last of her, by any means.

    oh oh

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/15/2008  at  06:10 PM  

  7. Bill and Hillary’s next campaign for the White House will begin in earnest on November 5th, 2008.  Hillary will use the four cruelest words in the English language:

    “I TOLD YOU SO!!!!”

    And, as Scott Shannon says every day for Sean Hannity, “Let the battle begin--right now.”

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   09/16/2008  at  02:48 AM  

  8. Tina played Ms. Palin as too much of an airhead but besides that it was a good sketch. 

    Have you ever noticed that actors and comics play Republican politicians as about 20 IQ points too low and Democrat pols as about 30 IQ points too high?  I’m not saying EITHER brand is smart or dumb but they’re automatically written that way in films and skits.

    Posted by Orion    United States   09/16/2008  at  05:43 PM  

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