a repost of past images for your consideration


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/31/2013 at 12:57 PM   
  1. Love the Teach Your Daughters pic. Especially that the gun has a supressor. And that mom is a total hottie. Total.

    Oh Peiper. OMG. You’ve never heard of Saul Alinsky?? Nah, you must have, and are just missing the association right now. Maybe you’ve just never seen his picture.

    His book, Rules For Radicals, dedicated to Satan (I am not kidding!!) is the Democratic playbook. He is venerated by Obama and Clinton and Bill Ayers. He was the perfect communist infiltrator. He invented “community organizing”. Obama quotes the guy all the time, helped start up an Alinsky training school, et al. Hillary’s college thesis echoes him strongly. The entire Hippie movement of the 60s came under his sway. Fight the Man from within, man ... and thus we have had 40 years of the radical COMMUNIST Left infiltrating and taking over our entire education system, from pre-K to graduate school, utterly inculcating 3 generations of our children with their sociopathic, twisted, perverted, flat-out garbage “common core” “new math” bullshit.

    You are looking at his photo ... if that isn’t the AntiChrist, he’s at least his major minion. The definitive anti-American, that’s for sure.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/31/2013  at  03:11 PM  

  2. Yeah ... but it was your post not long ago that introduced me to him. I’d never heard of him before you brought it up. So I followed your links and read and then saw one or two other links off of those links and got educated quickly. Yes, I know that’s him in the photo. He really does look just exactly like the stereotype hidden red spy imagined in books of the period and even film.
    And that quote is very real and that’s exactly what happened. Didn’t it?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/31/2013  at  04:13 PM  

  3. yup. They’ve taken over, 98% so far.

    without a shot being fired.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/31/2013  at  10:13 PM  

  4. Drew, I think that your 98% is a bit over.I have to wonder - when it comes down to it - the final ‘showdown’ if you will - are those of us _______(fill in the blank Tea Party, conservative, Patriot, American and so on) who have the guns, the personal survival skills, the non-reliance on Big Gov etc - who will face off against these gun grabber control freaks - are we going to find out that they (the Left) are big, fat hypocrites - and are gun owners too? Or are they going to rely on their decimated military and the criminals - to run wild over us and wait in bunkers to come out and ‘take control’?

    I’ve read the book - I know how it turns out. I’ve read history - I know how WWII turned out. And oh, yeah - if the latter is their plan - they just might want to google the name Charles Manson to see how that turned out.

    The fact that no one ‘knew’ Saul Alinsky until the big o came onto the scene - should speak volumes - about both of them.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/01/2014  at  10:30 AM  

  5. Ok, 70%. 72%.

    73% - because the handpicked fed judge said the other day that what NSA is doing is legit. BS: this is search without warrant or probable cause. So there go more of your rights and freedoms.

    And the hippies who now run the education system knew him personally. And look what they’ve done.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/02/2014  at  12:05 AM  

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