a reporter wonders if, “they will be coming for us tonight”


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/10/2011 at 01:26 PM   
  1. This is what happens when the government disarms the population and the only people with guns are the police (who are nowhere to be found) and the criminals.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   08/10/2011  at  03:13 PM  

  2. One word:  SNIPERS

    It’ll stop....

    Posted by TimO    United States   08/10/2011  at  05:24 PM  

  3. One larger word: FLAMETHROWERS

    It’ll never even start!!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/10/2011  at  10:17 PM  

  4. Ann Coulter (in her book Demonic - about the liberal Mobs) said that the 70s era college anti-war rioting stopped after Kent State. These are cowards and amoral rabid animals - shot one and the rest will scatter - because the one thing they fear more than anything else - is losing their benefits.

    It would be a win-win - less beasts collecting the dole, less taxpayers are forking over, and no more mob violence.

    Too bad that the police are being neutered - here they are on the rampage again after a ‘fine, upstanding’ teen was tazed at UC (not a student but on an Upward Bound program event) and died. Scream all you want - when the studies (which have been done) come back - bet you he was drunk and/or on drugs. A real fine, upstanding person. Just one more liberal failure who won’t be taking up space at UC to quit sometime before graduating (AA has a 97% failure rate in college) - and/or ending up as a career criminal or drug dealer.

    I think that the Marine motto applies here - Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/11/2011  at  08:52 AM  

  5. LydonB, if I’m not mistaken, the police only carry batons. Even Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were better armed.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   08/11/2011  at  05:57 PM  

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