a reason to cheer


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/02/2010 at 12:02 AM   
  1. WOW. Ill admit I wouldnt have a tear left if I attended such a ceramony. And people wonder why we love this country so much. Well there it is Damnit.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/02/2010  at  12:45 AM  

  2. That does bring a tear to my eye - I just wish that not only would this be published in more outlets - but also the homecomings. Having just had the illness & passing of my mother - I drove the 2 hours to her home, several times over the past month - front of stores, posted signs - again and again - Welcome Home - with the local Serviceman’s name attached. And that brings me back to 2004 when we ventured off Ft Hood to move back home, given what the msm portrayed I was amazed at just how many flags, yellow ribbons and signs exist in mid-America in support of our Troops. But I digress.

    Then they need to add to the impact of these young men & women after they have gone through their recovery. It is a grueling period but most of them return to normal lives. The very essence of spirit and being that lead them to serve their Country also aids them in their recovery - I can do this. And explain 0h wise ones why Organizations such as Homes for Heroes or the Wounded Warrior Project are not on The Won’s radar as to ‘service’ projects?!?

    As the mother of a seriously injured son - I do not like pity at all. It does no one any good and ends up making the pitied into a victim/child. That is the lie-bral way - to diminish, to divide (and conquer) and to make everyone (except themselves) a victim - You don’t help a person by feeling sorry for them at all. ST*U and get out of the way. Sorry but as I said, (and to the lie-brals out there) -Been there Done that - I know of what I speak.

    These are warriors who were wounded - they will get up and recover - If we encourage them, help them and not treat them like anything less than they are - American Warriors - Down but not Out and Hurt but not Destroyed.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/02/2010  at  09:00 AM  

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