A present without wrapping paper


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/25/2011 at 08:48 PM   
  1. It is so sad that apparently so much in the msm is just lies. Since so many of the polls are twisted and ‘massaged’ to get the answer the msm (remember polling is not about reporting the belief of the citizens but it is about shaping that belief) wants - is the poll that 20% of Americans consider themselves liberal also a lie - and it really is about 1 or 2% and that the poll that 83 or 75% (CNN, go figure) of Americans consider themselves Christian is really closer to the 83 - or even higher? Since USA Today ran a poll that 45% of Americans are ‘very concerned’ about AIDS - and in reading the poll facts - it was done in San Francisco - I realize that WHERE a poll is done, is just as important as the question asked.

    The problem with lying about everything - is that the people don’t know the truth and who to trust - which is exactly what liberals want to create ‘problems’ in the entire system that they have to ‘fix’.

    Sad that in his death a good American is lied about and smeared - all for the msm’s (liberal) agenda.

    Get rid of the msm - maybe then America can fix herself!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/26/2011  at  08:28 AM  

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