A pregnant woman has had her baby forcibly removed by caesarean section by social workers


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/01/2013 at 06:46 AM   
  1. Meanwhile all the dopers and child abusers and on the dole - keep on keeping on having kid after kid - who end up on the dole too. Always hit on the worst solution to the most weak case to go in - pardon my language - guns blazing.

    And it’s just as bad over here. It’s also why I quit studying social work in college - not worth being brain dead to get a job to not do a damn thing worthwhile to ‘help’ children in need.

    Glad that the social worker who worked my two brothers cases and my case - thought that the rules (in the 1950s) were worth breaking. Now it’s just a thousand times worse.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/01/2013  at  11:41 AM  

  2. horry clap. this is one of the more heavy handed jack-booted government thug tales I’ve read.

    Tear the baby right out of her body because she’s ... is there a term for it? ... “controllably publicly crazy”? Did I miss the part where here bipolarity was causing her to stick herself with knives and needles and thus endanger the child within her?

    Because ... holy shiite ... if the government can come and grab you and take an unborn baby right out of your body when you’ve committed no crime nor done anything wrong ... goddam, how much more extreme a tyranny can you effin’ get??

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/01/2013  at  12:19 PM  

  3. Wow,Just Wow.
    Um, Rope,Tree some assembly required?
    Emphatically YES.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/01/2013  at  01:08 PM  

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