A Natural Selection “Four Bagger”


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 09/07/2004 at 05:57 AM   
  1. Aw Vilmar,

    Can’t you see? Don’t you realize? It’s so simple.

    Bush has put the burden of education on the

    And all those individuals realizing their
    education was so sorely lacking could
    not stand the pressure and there were no
    counselors because Bush has ravaged the
    system so.

    And they were women. Bush has raped and
    abused all women by trying to impinge
    upon their right to their own bodies.

    Geez man, get with it.

    AND most of those women were denied a
    proper diet in school because Reagan
    made ketchup a vegetable.

    AND because they were ‘obese’ and were
    they not they might have survived the

    There were no security guards because
    Bush has cut back on funding of police.

    ......and on and on and on and on.

    That MIGHT seem funny in morbid sort
    of way, but mark my words ... it will
    be the mantra manana. Or the day after.

    Posted by Steel Turman    United States   09/07/2004  at  06:46 AM  

  2. Yeah, they just want to f**k and f**k and f**k their lives away to make themselves “feel better” (which explains why there are more liberals than conservatives) and ignore the consequences…

    ...oops...they can’t do that anymore can they?

    Posted by Macker    United States   09/07/2004  at  07:46 AM  

  3. Vilmar, if you look carefully these suicides are all in Liberal country: the Northeast, Canada and Colorado. Could it be they’re just protesting Bush in their own small way? At least they’re not being suicide bombers in order to protest the “evil Bush dictatorship”.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/07/2004  at  08:09 AM  

  4. Like abortion, if we keep letting them have their way and let them committ suicide (I’m all for enabling this form of population control---remove safety barriers on high buildings, remove anti-suicide fencing on bridges, etc.) we will soon be rid of liberals!


    Posted by Vilmar    United States   09/07/2004  at  08:28 AM  

  5. Sometimes, the “pressure to post” --internet version of “publish or perish” I suppose—may cause an otherwise thoughtful individual to inadvertantly write something that can be very hurtfull to others.

    Sometimes, when we don’t understand why others can’t just suck it up, get a grip, snap out of it, we compensate by using satire, by lampooning, by beating on our own chests and emmitting a manly roar.

    So that my comments are not taken to be those of some “bleeding heart liberal” that stumbled upon this Blog when Googling “evil Bush dictatorship” or “suicide bombers” or “John Kerry War Hero,” let me make it clear that I am not.

    I am, however one that has been touched by the suicides of others - personally and professionally. During my thirty years in the Marine Corps [22 active & 8 reserve] I had more than one occassion to sit with my troops and try to figure out how anyone, ESPECIALLY a Marine could take their own life.

    I found that there were many reasons, reasons that a young man or woman “thought” made life no longer worth living. Far too many to list in a short post.

    None of those reasons made sense to me.
    None of those reasons were worth a life.
    None of those reasons were worth what they cost in colatteral damage.

    That is all I wanted to say.

    Thank you for providing a forum for me to share my views, a place for others to agree or disagree, and, for providing me with no little amusement and food for thought.

    Semper Fi


    Posted by EntendreX2    United States   09/07/2004  at  10:18 AM  

  6. DNT

    No doubt the subject is painful to some but to NOT publish stuff like this is like trying to sweep it under the rug.  And beleive me, with so much going on in the world I do not feel ANY poressure to “publish!” Just ask Allan to whom I’ve sent a bunch of stuff for posting after I head out of here tomorrow.

    That said, I have to control myself right about now because I am tired, irritable, sweaty and VERY hungry.  Have spent the past 4 hours trying to clean up debris from Hurricane Frances.  Food is in the oven warming up.  Fan is blowing to cool me off.

    So if I sound a bit on edge you’ll know it is not meant against you, OK?

    I spent 26 years in the Air Force and had a couple of people take their lives.  Personally I think it is the chicken’s way out.  People who can’t deal with life in general opt to check out.  I firmly believe society is better for it.  Sound a bit eugenic?  YOU BET!!

    Mankind can not progress to higher levels of consciousness nor can it better itself if we are forced to lower the content of our genetic pool by attempting to save EVERY SINGLE person out there. This is nothing more than nature’s way of weeding out the weak, infirm, or those incapable of dealing of the stressors of life.

    Have I ever thought about ending it all?  A couple of times.  But then I realized I’d be leaving a bigger mess for others to clean up.  I’d also be leaving behind with friends and family that ever present psychologically scarring thought, “Gee, was “I” responsible?  Could “I” have done something?  Why didn’t “I” see what was going on?  Sure, I’d have solved MY problems but was a fucking mess in my wake!

    OK, I better leave it at that.

    Sorry you’ve had to deal with these issues but be true to yourself:  I’ll bet you had those doubts I listed above, didn’t you?

    Posted by Vilmar    United States   09/07/2004  at  11:09 AM  

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