This is all true and was my experience but get this ....  by 2012 the powers that be here in the UK will have banished the earth killing light bulb that has worked so well for so long.  By 2010 the 100W bulb will no longer be manufactured.  Guess what I’ve been hoarding?  But again this get sillier.  Ya ready?

The new planet saving light bulbs cause some people to have a bad reaction apparently, and severe headaches.  Well, what to do, what to do.
If you’re one of those ppl with problems with those new fangled BS planet saving bulbs, YOU WILL NEED AN RX from a doctor to buy a regular bulb!

Now then based on my experience with an over the counter LEGAL medication, what’s to stop some do-gooding store manager whose sole purpose in life is to save planet earth .... from denying you that light bulb your doctor says you should have?  Sorry says he or she.  We don’t stock that because ..yadda,yadda.

Oh, and I almost forgot.  Even now we can’t find any lamp shades (they must be out there somewhere) that are rated for 100w light bulbs.
If you think this is nuts, you’re right but .... better start hoarding NOW my fellow Americans.  Cause I think it’s comin’ your way.  Hasn’t Calif. already started talking about it?

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/07/2008 at 11:00 AM   
  1. Egads peiper. This is what we gonna have if HillZilla becomes President.

    Currently, as I wrote about my weekend off, I went to the doctor. He prescribed four medicines. Only one was actually covered by my insurance plan. It was an antibiotic. The rest were considered OTC (over the counter) drugs. Yeah. Right. I’d like to see someone buy OTC codeine cough syrup. But I paid for it. Covered or not. Guess that would be illegal under HilCare,

    I used to keep a 100 tablet bottle of psuedofed on hand. Would last me at least a year. Cheap too. Can’t do that anymore. The Gov’t, instead of prosecuting meth labs, decided that I can no longer buy psuedofed in such ‘large’ amounts. I’m limited now to 24 doses and have sign for it. The price has skyrocketed. Oh, it’s still ‘over the counter.’

    BTW peiper, did you get that Montana.mp3?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/06/2008  at  12:53 PM  

  2. Where is Milton Friedman’s Dangerous Ideology (per Naomi Watts) when you need it?

    In light of the above story, I really don’t know how anyone can say that living standards in the UK in any way approach those of the USA.

    Posted by moneybagzz1969    United States   01/07/2008  at  10:16 PM  

  3. "Where is Milton Friedman’s Dangerous Ideology (per Naomi Watts) when you need it?”

    Oops > the above should read “...(per Naomi KLEIN).

    Naomi Watts is an actress of unknown political persuasion.

    Naomi Klein is the author of a book that considers Milton Friedman’s ‘ideology’ (which in some corners would be called common sense) ‘dangerous’ (which can be read as ‘impeding the ability of the Ted Kennedy’s of the world to shrink your paycheck and micro-manage your behavior).

    Posted by moneybagzz1969    United States   01/07/2008  at  10:18 PM  

  4. Pseudoephedrine has a federal limit of 3.6 grams per day and 9 grams per month.  A box of 24 Sudafed is 720mg worth of pseudoephedrine.  This means that you can get 12 boxes of it in a month (12.5, actually, but you just can’t get that half a package because they don’t make that size package).  Also, you can buy up to 5 boxes of 24-count 30mg per tablet Sudafed per day (as long as you stick to the monthly limits).  By the way, federal law doesn’t require we keep track of a person’s monthly totals.  We just have to log it every time and then give up those records to the police if there is a criminal investigation.  Also, codeine cough syrup is available OTC in some states (not here in NE, but in IA it’s perfectly fine).  It is also worth mentioned that it’s extremely easy to get large quantities of anhydrous ammonia, easier than getting a box of Sudafed.

    I work in a pharmacy, I have to deal with this topic every day.

    Posted by Elliott    United States   01/09/2008  at  05:56 AM  

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