A Marine Hero Supports the War


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/03/2007 at 03:02 PM   
  1. Chalk4Peace hippies are not the only moonbats around, I live in a nation infested with moonbatery. That is the result of more than half a century of anti-American indoctrination.
    It is very important that more people publicly praise heroes like Marco Martinez and use their right of free speech to preserve freedom. The elections are the only means we have to defeat communism and fascism. I get angry everytime I find adults forfeiting their right to vote. I remind them, that people died for us to have the right to vote.

    Today is 3 Oct 2007, here in Germany is a public holiday, Tag der Deutsche Einheit or “German Unity Day”. I was stationed here in 1989 when the Berlin-Wall fell. That was during my second tour in Germany. I remember also seeing in TV the demonstrants in China getting their ass beaten by the communist police, also in 1989. Incredible as it sounds, the vast majority of Germans are convinced the commie Gorbatchev made it possible for them to re-unite, not Ronald Reagan. While I never fired a shot in anger, I did walked the line while on the Cav. And my brother’s watch was in Mutlangen, waiting for the command to fire the Pershing II’s that made the commies shit their pants.

    And by the way, it is very likely that Marine Marco Martinez relatives, entered the country illegaly. He is more American than any Sheehans, Kennedys or Clintons, keep that in mind while casting your vote.

    Posted by SlugoDE    Germany   10/03/2007  at  05:37 PM  

  2. No doubt...I hope and pray that one day people will wake up and realize who the enemy really is…

    Posted by Ecolihapns    United States   10/03/2007  at  06:49 PM  

  3. Uh Guys, I hate to break it to you, but the last hippies died out about 1975 or so.  The ones who didn’t embrace the glitz and polyester of the disco era devolved into potted plants decorating the fern bars of the time and have since gone to the great organic compost pile in the sky.  Some believe that there may be some in the more remote reaches of the Sierra Nevada, but most think it’s just a tale to increase tourism.  Interestingly, no one bothered to list them as an endangered species before they became extinct. 

    Typically what appear to be hippies these days are usually degenerate offshoots of the “Free Speech Movement” of the 60’s (Google “Mario Savio Berkley” for a nauseating bit of history).  While appearances are similar, this sub species of the Moonbat typically has extreme tunnel vision, being incapable of discerning more than a few minutes of arc, even on it’s left, commonly considered its favored side.  In an attempt to duplicate the echo location function of the bat, they have become increasingly loud and obnoxious, but alas they cannot locate anything because their extreme volume has also rendered them deaf. The presence of higher brain functions in this subspecies has been debated, but functionally, the point is rather moot.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/04/2007  at  04:05 AM  

  4. The name of this young Marine’s book is Hardcore - and the line I liked most (in the description of the book) was - The Marine’s saved my life.

    I think that is also one of the worst aspects of the anti-war mongers movement - the Armed Forces - their rule controled worlds, the repetitive and routine day and drill, and most especially the discipline turn many a young person - on the road or falling for the road of destruction - around.

    I almost laughed yesterday when my daughter called - her new hubby is having ex-wife problems (I serious think our little miss priss believes that she is so all that, that she could keep her ex hanging on while having her boyfriend too, so the sudden marriage is driving her crazy) - talking about ‘learning from my mistakes’. When she was growing up - she was the one of my 4 who just kept making the same mistakes over and over again - and not owning up - the Marines were the best thing for her - they taught her to respect herself and live with Honor.

    Now about his (sil) family. I love my new sil - he is just one of the nicest guys you can meet (which among the young adult set is refreshing) - but his mother and her family are a trip (and no not here illegally) but helpless and victim behavior left right and indifferent. His step-father (and well his real father) also come from that same type of family. So there goes another one of the liberal ‘beliefs’ - up in smoke, so to speak - they aren’t family oriented and just wanting to make a better life. If they did, their own countries would be doing OK.

    Bravo to Marco for writing this book and I hope it goes to the Top of the NYTs list - but we all know the liberals won’t ever make a peep about it - he is of the ilk of Justice Thomas, Condoleeza Rice and Bill Cosby - making it without the race baiters and victimizers - and that can’t be accepted. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/04/2007  at  06:12 AM  

  5. The wimps on the left simply lack the courage to defend themselves against their real enemies, so they vilify those they know will do them no harm.

    They target Christians, Jews, Boy Scouts, Beer Drinkers, NASCAR fans, the military, meat eaters, taxpayers, gun owners, home schoolers and all who cherish freedom.

    They take a miscalculated risk hoping that aligning themselves with brutal islamic killers will spare them from future brutality or servitude.

    Tired of these doormats trying to save their own asses without any regard to America’s future.

    In all of human history has their ever been any instances where real peace was achieved by individuals, nations or religions not capable of standing up for themselves?

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   10/04/2007  at  07:24 AM  

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