A little wind, a little snow, a lot of mess


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/14/2016 at 03:53 AM   
  1. How are there that many people on an interstate on a Saturday in a snow storm? I feel for my s-i-l - he is an OTR driver and PA is one of his states.

    We too are feeding the outsides kitty a little more - this weather sucks. And even the birds - who seemed to come back during our temperate weather - are eating the kitty kibbles. So I dug out the box of seeds and such (small animal chow) - and spread some of that out there too. Too darn cold to walk around and see if they are noshing on it.

    Too darn cold to do much of anything.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/14/2016  at  09:22 AM  

  2. The cop in me has to wonder how a few things.  First, how to hell do you even begin to do this report and subsequent paperwork.  The most involved accident I worked was an eight car pileup.  I had several addendums to write and it was a damn long report.  But, what wasn’t that bad, was that it was easy to see who caused the accident, and write it up as him as the at fault driver and list it down from there.  Also, the insurance companies of each driver all pay for the damages and go after the insurance of the at fault driver for re-imbursement.  Easy enough. 

    But on this thing....OMG!!  First, the paperwork in just listing all the vehicles, the drivers and the occupants.  Then, you have the commercial vehicles involved.  So how the heck do you determine the at fault driver(s).  Do you write it up as several small accidents combined as one big mess?  In other words, a crash between two or three cars happens, and they sit there after the impact, when all of a sudden, accident which then forms a chain reaction.  Imagine putting this all together on paper and making sense of it.

    Finally, who the hell is at fault.  Mother Nature does not carry collision insurance, so they don’t get to look to her for money.  And you know the insurance companies are going to do their damndest to look to someone...ANYONE, to get their money back.  They are going to blame each other until they are all blue in the face.  Then, the lawyers get involved, and from there, it’s a disaster. 

    I guess it kinda reminds me of Zorg from the fifth element.  All is peaceful until chaos happens....then everyone gets busy and there is work for all to be had.  The insurance company employees have work, the adjusters have work, the tow truck guys have work, the body shops have work, the doctors have work, the undertaker has work (maybe), the prosthetics companies get work, the pharmaceuticals, the lawyers, the car parts manufacturers, the tire guys, and on and on and on.  Just think, they were all sitting around with nothing to do waiting for business to come in, one crash, and BOOM....everyone has a paycheck.  I guess crashes are a good thing...RIGHT?!

    If everyone did this, the recession would be over in no time.  So support you local economy...go crash into someone today.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   02/14/2016  at  11:55 AM  

  3. AH sdkar - you reminded me of another problem involved (now days) when we first bought our minvan - hubby was still on active duty and a guy ran a stop sign and my husband t-boned him (no miles and hour - intersection on post). We had to have a mini-van as son was still in wheelchair and had 5 doctors appointments (PT and OT 2 X week) a week. It took forever to get the reimbursement back because - get this - it wasn’t his car or his insurance. He was driving his girlfriend’s car!

    I can’t even imagine all the stuff that an accident like this involves. One of the problems of an over-regulated society.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/15/2016  at  09:58 AM  

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