A little ramble on that other preamble


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/12/2014 at 09:29 AM   
  1. In a moderately remote corner of Nevada, we just had a citizen militia explain to the Feds in simple terms that the Feds had overstepped their bounds.

    So far as I know, it is the first time since the Civil War that armed and organized American citizens have had an armed confrontation with armed Federal troops.  It was an act of insurrection.  The war I have feared for years has begun. 

    Obama cannot let the challenge go unanswered.  Life is now a little more dangerous for everyone.  Hang on tight.  This could be one of the scenarios where Obama tries to become President for Life and the citizens impose term limits. 


    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   04/12/2014  at  08:04 PM  

  2. I think Obama isn’t that dumb right now - he needs to make sure that there is enough cheating going on in Nov for them to at least hold the Senate. And enough not Democrats complacent enough to not want to fight back at the Ballot box.  Then the next 2 years are going to be a free for all. And I really truly worry about the time between the 2016 election and the Inauguration - most especially if the Democrats hold one of the Houses of Congress.

    Whoever is running this Administration made a mistake - Ruby Ridge - outliers, people even their neighbors suspect, Waco - a cult and of course Elian Gonzalez - not an American - were easy peasy for most Americans to not get upset about and let pass - most especially since the State Media massaged them into whatever they wanted it to be. But this - average Joe doing what he did and his family did since the 1880s being backed into destroying his business over a stupid EPA regulation and the resulting ‘fines’ (show me in the Constitution where it says Departments can make ‘law’ - I can show you where it says Congress makes law).

    And show me where it says that the Federal Government can enforce these bogus laws?

    If just 12 to 20 million Americans had the guts to stop paying taxes. The Federal Government has said that it can’t go out and find and deport the 12 to 20 million criminal illegal invaders - won’t that be true for non-taxpayers too? [Yeah I know, the IRS is worse than anything else in the US, it’s just an interesting rhetorical thought/idea]

    Or go to cash only transactions

    Or barter and trade

    Or ask who is John Galt

    There are ways around this tyrannical behavior from DC.

    What scares me is that the conservatives/republicans will be so p’od about that GOP crapweasels in Congress that they won’t go to the polls in Nov or in 2016 and America will get screwed again with big Democrat wins.

    If you can’t bring yourself to vote for the GOP crapweasels - vote for one of the other parties - just vote Against the Democrats. Not voting is a win for them.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/13/2014  at  09:19 AM  

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