I have met more Brits in the last few years who say they hate going to London because they feel like they are in a foreign country.
And it isn’t just London.  And it isn’t simply the immigrants.  It’s the pols who pander and suck up for votes, and ppl who come here and INSIST that it should be the Brits that change to suit them. 

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 04/19/2008 at 04:55 PM   
  1. Linky please!

    Posted by Macker    United States   04/19/2008  at  05:19 PM  

  2. i went to wiki...question, are the numbers worse than his projections? and is the band Brutal Attack [ROB song] still together or have they been imprisoned?

    Posted by Rancino    United States   04/19/2008  at  05:41 PM  

  3. instapundit just posted an article about the 40th aniv. of the river of blood speech.

    Posted by Rancino    United States   04/19/2008  at  07:43 PM  

  4. Enoch Powell highlighted a growing problem but I don’t think he had taken into account the effect of Europe. You have to recall that at the time of the speech Britain was not even a member of the European Economic Community as it was then. I think had he known that it would morph into a European (socialist) super state he would have revised his text. Reading the speech now some forty years on it does have some terms which in today’s world would be construed as racist. However Powell was not a racist he was concerned for the future of his country. Powell was probably the most intelligent politician of his generation and the Conservatives did untold damage to the country by making Edward Heath the leader of the tory party. A man who sold us out to Europe.

    As it happens Powell did campaign for Britain to leave the EU as it subsequently became. The problems I believe ultimately will become a lot worse than even Powell feared. In 1968 we could still refuse entry to French nationals or Dutch, German etc. Now it’s damn near impossible and the people who come to Britain from Europe to settle are not generally born in Europe. They have obtained citizenship there, but have no long term intention to stay. There was a report I think in the BBC about Somalis who had obtained Dutch nationality.  Under European law it is next to impossible to deport people to countries that practice the death penalty and use torture etc. These people have flooded into Britain and moved into ghettos. Many of them are unemployed but can still claim housing and welfare in Britain.

    When Powell was an MP for Wolverhampton he could see that the influx of people from the West Indies and the Indian sub continent would ultimately lead to problems. It took longer perhaps than he predicted but there have been riots in parts of England between West Indians and Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. In the long term the real elephant in the room are the muslims. Powell did not predict just how fast their population would grow and how islamic fascism would become as popular as it has amongst the islamic community. The Bishop of Rochester (whose parents I believe converted to Christianity) has made several statements about the problems where parts of Britain are becoming no go areas. More often than not these are areas where muslims live.

    The problems originally arose through the same short sighted approach to immigration that the current government has adopted. In the sixties Mill owners pressured the government to allow unskilled people to come from villages in Pakistan and Bangladesh because it was cheaper to import labour than invest in what they actually needed, new equipment. Britain unlike the US has never been a “melting pot” the first generations may have wanted to integrate, but they have been less than successful and I personally feel part of the reason is welfare. We pay millions of people to sit on their arses and claim benefits. People who have no real stake in a country by working and buying their own home are likely to pose a problem in the longer term. Added to this the local authorities have all the benefits leaflets printed up in the languages of the countries these people came from. They can move around in their own community and never bother to learn to speak English.

    The BBC of course poo poo any suggestion of “rivers of blood” despite the descendants of immigrants letting off bombs on the underground and race riots in Northern cities. What they fail to mention is that Powell used the fall of the Roman Empire as an allegorical illustration of what he believed would ultimately come to pass in Britain. The river Tiber according to the historian Virgil foamed red with the blood spilled in the streets of Rome when the Roman empire finally collapsed. Blood has been spilled in Britain as a result of the misguided approach to immigration. What bothers me is that Powell saw problems when immigration was at just 5,000 per year. Now it is at least ten times that number, in reality it is uncontrolled. We have allowed the barbarians into the city unchallenged and it will end in tears.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/20/2008  at  03:45 AM  

  5. Their was an ”Oceans of Blood” speech in Kansas City back in 1989.

    Calls for `oceans of blood’ came during Kansas Muslim convention

    Knight Ridder Newspapers KANSAS CITY, Mo. - KRT NEWSFEATURES

    (KRT) - Although few in town noticed, a dozen years ago Islamic extremists from around the globe flocked to Kansas City’s Bartle Hall to bond in prayer, song and dance, and ominous appeals for bloodshed. They came by the hundreds to promote jihad, or holy struggle, at two conventions during a pivotal time for radical Islam - December 1989 and again the next winter.
    At the first meeting a masked terrorist from the Palestinian group Hamas spoke in Arabic for an hour. He pledged “oceans of blood” would oust Israelis from his homeland. The second conference stirred the passions of a Kansas State University student named Nasser Hidmi, according to Israeli court records.
    Hidmi would soon use a password to enter a room of 28 recruits at a local hotel, where he allegedly learned about hand grenades. He then returned home to Jerusalem with plans to help kill Jews. Clips of the Kansas City conventions appeared in a PBS documentary, “Jihad in America,” in 1994. The documentary raked in journalism prizes, but many critics still accuse the filmmaker of exaggerating mundane meetings. After Sept. 11 the documentary was re-released to video stores, fanning the flames of an information war between Arab and Israeli organizations in the United States.

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/20/2008  at  07:21 PM  

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