a daily mail comment, and not a pleasant one.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/06/2014 at 01:52 PM   
  1. I’ll suggest one minor modification.

    Wearing their uniforms should be mandatory, including side arms and/or battle rifle.  I suspect it would then be a very short war.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/06/2014  at  10:35 PM  

  2. Battle rifles and bayonets, and the ROE to use either when necessary without running the decision any higher than the nearest major.

    The West will forever lose the war against pisslam because it has no moral fortitude. When they, as a people united, can find the guts to stand up and say “we are right, you are wrong, and we’re not going to put up with it a minute longer” then the war will be won in a very short time. Won, because they will have the found the will to actually, ACTUALLY fight. And that means shutting off the money to the jihadis and their enablers. And that means rounding up the hundreds of thousands of enemies within their own borders and either executing them or throwing them out. And then that means taking the war to the enemy, first to the enablers of terrorism/jihad, ie the Saudis, the Qatari, and the Iranians, and then to the actual hook nose bastards on camels in the desert.

    Get real ... do you really think a dozen guys in dirty bathrobes can outwit or out fight a squadron of B-52s? Not a bacteria’s chance in a bucket of Clorox. Sure, they could hide in this village today. BOOM. And that village tomorrow. BOOM. Or this other one the day aft-BOOM. Hey, over he-BOOM. The word will get out real fast; sheltering these guys gets you all dead. But it won’t be until we start killing them wholesale without a backwards glance (collateral damage? Gee, sorry, war is hell, isn’t it?) that people will finally realize just what pissant enemies they truly are, who could not exist for an hour without our leave or our support.

    We will know the real “moderates” of so-called moderate Islam when they rise up as towns and cities and take the heads of the jihadis days before out troops arrive. Those that don’t are obviously our enemies. BOOM.

    this is fish in a barrel folks. It really, really is that easy. All we need is the will.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/07/2014  at  12:36 AM  

  3. The perfect examples happened in Jordan and Syria when the Palestinians made trouble.  King Hussein of Jordan began his offensive by pretty much obliterating the offending Palestinian complex with his air force and artillery.  Ground troops followed to make sure any survivors were fully apprised of their situation.

    Pretty much the same story when the Palis tried to take on Assad Senior. 

    Known dead are estimated at 40,000 to 50,000, equally Jordanian and Syrian. 

    The surviving Palis were very civilized in their dealings for a long time after.

    It’s simple and basic. 

    Someday, blah blah blah, if the Moslems ever become civilized enough to join the rest of civilization, we can reconsider their rights.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/07/2014  at  05:57 AM  

  4. Oh please West Point removed the word ‘kill’ from their education format more than a decade ago - this downward spiral into pc madness started long before Bush/Obama - and it’s what has lead to the mess we are in.

    Think about this - we all know and feel that the Nazi’s were barbaric during their (not quite) thousand year reign. But prior to their ascension to power - they did not appear to anything other than a political party.

    Imagine what will happen in WWIII - with muslims when we already know that to their own people, to muslims (just not ‘good enough’ muslims) - they are barbaric and cruel. What are they going to do/be like - when the world explodes into a world war for supremecy?

    They are not vermin - they are subhumans pretending to be a religion - hell bent upon ruling the world under their 3rd century misguided and barbaric behavior.

    I can’t imagine why any civilized country of the World would let them in - or allow them to stay after ‘honor killings’, beheadings, rapes of non-muslims, or murders of those who speak out against muslims (see America, Britain, Sweden and Netherlands - for example)

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/07/2014  at  10:36 AM  

  5. Sorry Doc.  Muzzies generally, a few exceptions as there always are, can not become civilized as we use the term or understand it.  They truly are untermenschen in the very sense the Nazis used that term. They are born sub standard.  If ever genocide was justified, gypos and muslims fit the bill.
    That won’t happen cos the west hasn’t learned yet, that the rats are to be found in the sewers and it may be necessary for us to root them out where they breed. No exceptions.

    So, since genocide is never going to be considered, Drew’s solution seems to be the most logical and workable way to fight them.  But that won’t happen either. Enablers in our midst, the left wing apologists and the anarchists I wrote about the other day, must first be ruthlessly rooted out wholesale. No jail, no detention, no wrist slaps.

    This is as I see things, a fight for the very survival of Western culture.
    And I hate saying it but ... it is doomed.  It will never be allowed to properly defend itself and so little by little over time, it will either fall under the domination of pisslam and their adherents and other unsavory dark skinned savages, or it will become a Mad Max sort of society. Or a combo of both.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/07/2014  at  10:51 AM  

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