“MO” Ferguson: a bit of steyn


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/18/2014 at 02:29 AM   
  1. By comparison, for the years 2012 and 2013 in England and Wales:

    ‘No fatal police shootings.’

    In the Netherlands:

    ‘The average for the last 35 years is three dead and 15 injured...’

    I always enjoy Steyn but hey.
    So kops here didn’t improve the pool any by deleting any vermin. Then they missed good opportunities. Like the riots and burning cities a couple years ago. They could have but
    but for their slavish devotion to political correctness and the human rights industry.
    And the fact that folks here and the Netherlands are too weak and too afraid to eliminate criminals, does not mean that the USA should follow their example.  I for one don’t think the fact that UK police haven’t put a permanent end to any of the examples I have seen here, as something American cops should aspire to.

    I do understand the points made with regard to what looks like militarized police.
    That said ... I do not want our cops in America to be unarmed.
    And yes. I do think dash cams should be standard equipment. Surprised that it is not already mandatory.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/18/2014  at  05:47 AM  

  2. It is coming out that the ‘news’ media did not release info on Brown as a robbery suspect because Eric Holder ordered them not to.

    Isn’t it treason for the order to silence of the media (and oh, how agenda driven that they are, that they blindly follow orders - damn, now where did I hear that phrase before) with the knowledge that it might incite riot?

    I am deeply saddened at what has become of America - lying, corrupt criminals in charge and no one seems to be in the position of power to do a damn thing about it - worse - don’t seem to care to act.

    On this ‘believe what you hear’ mentality - saw it (horribly) in action on a true crime show last night. In 1979 a pregnant woman was beaten, almost to death in her first floor apartment and her (Marine) hubby came home from a fast food run (2AM) to find her almost dead on the bed. Because of previous calls from the neighbors - he had a ‘history’ (funny that only the guys get the moniker - when she even admitted that she threw things, screamed at him and slammed doors) of ‘domestic’ violence - the police saw him and him alone as good for the crime. The baby suddenly died the next day - so it became a ‘murder’ and without much other investigation - the police settled on the husband as his blood type matched the semen (only option then, no DNA). The wife not only survived the blows to the head but woke up but could not speak. Time goes on - they move in with her parents (he is 22, she is 20) and she begins to speak and get her past memory back. All of them were warned by the doctors to not suggest or plant memories and to allow her to form and recover her own memories. Months into this - walla she ‘remembers’ everything and makes a statement to police. So they go to trial and she is the ‘key’ witness. He is charged and convicted of 2nd degree murder and assault et al. Off to prison for 15 to life. The now ex-wife (still living with her parents) goes to all his parole hearings, as does the cop and DA involved in the case. Around year 15 - the DA is just flummoxed that at his parole hearings - Kevin just won’t admit remorse for what he has done - which would have let him get out jail early. The cop also noted that in the entire time from that night to 15 years later - he told the exact same story of what happened and maintained he did not do it. So he goes to (finally) investigate. Turns out that there were other similar attacks (young women, first floor apartment, raped, beaten). He looked into one that was within a mile of the Green apartment. Turns out they had a guy for that one - and that the biologicals from the Green attack were still good and viable. Now that there was DNA - they tested it against our convicted (for rape, murder) criminal - and they matched. His blood type was the same as the husband’s. And when confronted he admitted it and his story matched the husbands perfectly (they crossed paths in the apartment parking lot). So husband was set free after 16 years in prison.
    Why I put this all here:
    Even after being confronted with DNA evidence and a confession - Green’s ex wife still believes that he attacked her too that night.
    Proving that those with an uneducated (remember - her brain was uninjured before DNA was even talked about in public) and - what weak, susceptible mind - which relies mostly on verbal interaction for their knowledge and information, it is entirely possible for those people to believe what they have been told, even in defiance and contrary to scientifically proven evidence of facts.
    So now, having seen it in action - I finally understand why these people actually believe what they want to believe - even when confronted with the truth.

    And it’s going to get us all killed.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/18/2014  at  09:06 AM  

  3. The thing is Jay as Steyn rightly observes the police are at the end the day civilians. They are public servants, its not Judge Dredd, they don’t dispense justice. The US states have the National Guard if they need more muscle. No one is suggesting that the police shouldn’t be armed. That’s a non starter, but neither should they be some kind of para military outfit. A culture in US policing has developed where they shoot first and worry about it after the event. I have no idea what transpired in Ferguson and prefer not to speculate. Nevertheless there are too many incidents coming out where the police riddled the perps with bullets.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   08/18/2014  at  12:59 PM  

  4. Lyndon. Yeah, I understand and suppose there’s much to what you say. But I come from a family that had cops and fireman long, long ago. Not that I didn’t have a run in or two myself in younger days where I experienced the bad side. And that was more than 40 yrs ago.
    But in more recent times, it’s difficult to judge an officer who fires first because too often he hasn’t fired first, and was buried for the error.

    I realize a lot of folks think our cops are over militarized. Drew has written quite well on that subject. But I can not help but feel they face a different type of situation as opposed to very early years.  There was a time when the bad guys actually did think 2wice and thrice before taking on a cop. And those who did paid a price. If not with their life then with a long stretch in prison.  But that’s all changed now. And seeing the braying mobs who think nothing of throwing burning bottles and bricks at police, feeling safe in the idea that no real harm will come to them, I really can’t fault police for taking a military turn.
    Btw ... the idea that police were not to be made shooting victims covered the press as well. There once seemed to be some kind of general understanding that some acts would never be tolerated. Not that every criminal went along of course. But as a general idea, that was especially true here in the UK where the cops weren’t armed. I hesitate to call it a gentleman’s agreement but you understand I think, what I’m trying to say.
    When I think about it .... I’d say the police were always (USA) somewhat para military.
    I may be mistaken but that’s my impression.
    I do also understand the police enforce laws, but are not in place to make them nor are they supposed to dispense justice. That last would be a very dangerous road to take.
    On the other hand ..... if a cop deletes some bit of trash with a long and violent record, well, I’m happy to look the other way.  And that’s because I’ve seen or read so much dealing with judges and juries waving off ppl like that young woman who glassed a fellow in the face, or idiot juries like OJs. And the overly long time it takes to bring killers to justice and that last hardly ever happens thanks to the civil and human rights industry.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/19/2014  at  11:21 AM  

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