40 Reasons to Ban Guns NOW!


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/09/2007 at 10:29 AM   
  1. The jails are filling even as the crime rate goes down! Just goes to prove the racist corporate lackies of the Rethuglican party are making WAR on the working and lower classes of Amerika. L3 – Looney Left Logik©

    Maybe the crime rates are going down in large part BECAUSE the jails are filling with the criminals who commit the crimes? Nicht wahr?

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   03/09/2007  at  10:31 AM  

  2. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep debating what to have for dinner.
    Freedom is a well-armed sheep ready to contest the vote!....Ben Franklin

    No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.......Thomas Jefferson,
    Proposed Virginia Constitution, 1776

    The said Constitution (shall) be never construed to prevent the people of
    the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own
    arms.....Samuel Adams; Massachusetts U.S. Constitution ratification
    convention, 1788

    Note:  Massachusetts, with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States, has come a long way from Samuel Adams.

    The Constitution preserves “the advantage of being armed which Americans
    possess over the people of almost every other nation (where) the governments
    are afraid to trust the people with arms.”.......James Madison; The
    Federalist, No. 46

    A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves and include
    all men capable of bearing arms.  To preserve liberty it is essential that
    the whole body of people always possess arms.  The mind that aims at a
    select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican
    principal.....Richard Henry Lee; Additional Letters from The Federal Farmer,

    Posted by BobF    United States   03/09/2007  at  11:42 AM  

  3. Peip, the operative word in your post, and from all these folks, is “terrifying.” These people are afraid all the time, they think, but certainly of the wrong things.

    The Constitution does not grant us rights; I am so amazed at my friends, who are smart, educated, well-read people, who do not understand that the Contitution and its amendments specify certain previously existing rights, God-given by the lights of the founders, in order to protect and preserve them.

    The Constitution no more “grants” us the right to keep and bare arms than it originates the right to free speech. Those rights always existed in natural law; the Constitution simply assures them, but without implying that they are the only rights that exist. Brilliant thinking from a fractious group of men whose faults and foibles rival those of the mythological Gods of old.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   03/09/2007  at  12:18 PM  

  4. Rickvid but you point out why the left is so rabidly trying to vet the Constitution out of existance - 1) it was written by foible men (who just had to be wrong) and 2) the ‘rights’ specified in it are ‘individual’ [you know the greedy, meanspirited, racist, biggoted, hateful, etc] and are God given [since there is no god why do we need it].

    I grew up with guns, my dad loved them and he hunted until he killed bambi’s mother and had to raise bambi. We were taught proper gun use and maintainence (can clean a gun, gut and clean fish, small animals, grow fruits, veggies and even a decorative flower or two, sew and cook - sorry I digress]. My brother did a couple of times take them out to kill birds, squirrels and other small creatures, I never did.

    In fact the only time I picked a gun up to use, I froze. Even though it was an animal and attacking me and mine (pet rabbit) and I had picked up the gun because I could hear my daughter coming down the street saying ‘look at the doggie in my yard.’ I ended up shooting between it’s front legs. And yes when animal control (which I had called twice before picking up said gun) came out (and in front of crappy neighbor dog ‘owners’) I said the dog is gone because I shot at him to protect my daughter and rabbit - I did not get charged for discharging a firearm within city limits. . .seems said owners and dog had a record (and repeated complaints). I also won when said neighbors moved within days.

    So I guess using a gun does work. . .If the libs would just let those who use guns in the commission of crimes - go to jail forever and those who use guns to defend themselves get awards - things would change.

    Only reason I like being here, the DA after the 9th self defense killing (gotta love us here, at least when we defend it is forever) said, ‘as long as it is in self-defence I will not bring charges.’ Gotta love him - he keeps getting my support.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/09/2007  at  12:50 PM  

  5. Amen!

    Very few consider that if you don’t have the right to protect yourself and the means to carry that out, you have no rights at all.  The Mencken quote “Freedom of the press is limited to those that own one.” comes to mind here.  All the fine lawyers of the ACLU just don’t seem to understand that without the means of self defense, you just can’t have the other rights enumerated the the Bill of Rights.
    machinegun  big_us_flag  soapbox  big_us_flag  uzi

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/09/2007  at  01:01 PM  

  6. P.S. 

    Thank you Skipper, it’s a great quote that I learned from the header of BMEWS.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/09/2007  at  01:09 PM  

  7. Gun control started in the 1600’s in America as a way to keep the slaves under control. Can’t have no darkies turnin’ guns on de massah!

    Same thing today. Rosie and her slimeball pals can afford to hire armed body (yech) guards, but let’s let ol’ Miss Banks (my former landlady in Baltimore) fend for herself as she does her weekly banking.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   03/09/2007  at  01:10 PM  

  8. Hehehehehe. I watched this thread and decided to go to my armorers web page. I just placed an order for 200 rounds of Hornady TAP PDA .223 Remington 75 grain full metal jacket hollow point cartridges. That was my $200 contribution to a worthy cause today.

    mickeymouse  machinegun

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/09/2007  at  01:20 PM  

  9. If you believe that the 2nd Amendment applies only to the National Guard, then you must believe that the 1st Amendment applies only to the Government Printing Office.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   03/09/2007  at  02:48 PM  

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