3 cheers and 3 cheers more for , Mr. Godfrey Bloom who refuses political correctness. UKIP


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/07/2013 at 07:22 AM   
  1. An awful lot of foreign aid that is sent to Third World countries does get siphoned off by their corrupt leaders, and then used for their personal gain. Personal gain, exemplified by “Ray-Ban sunglasses and apartments in Paris.” So he’s spot on there.

    And it takes but a second to Google up how underfunded the UK MOD is. The British Navy is nearly gone, the Army is run on a shoestring budget, there was that flap over their having to use some vehicle that was a total death trap but was British made, etc. And while their Air Force is finally getting a few of those “euro-fighters” - Typhoons? - now they have to deal with all the damn wind farms around their airstrips messing up the radar and making landings dangerous. So I’d say Mr. Bloom is spot on there as well.

    But gosh golly, “bongo-bongo land”. Terrible. Isn’t that where the golly-wogs live? Truly offensive, tsk tsk.

    Of course, if anyone ever translated a bit of bongo-ese to English, they’d learn what everyone there calls the Brits all the time. And “creepy ass cracka” would be the mildest of terms in comparison, I’m certain. Oh well ... at least such terms aren’t racist because a) some golly said them, and b) the Brits deserve them anyway for their terrible imperialism of the last two centuries that brought some veneer of civilization to bongo-bongo land. Before the Empire they lived in huts made from grass and dung, worshipped rocks and bugs, had no written language of their own, had no industry at all, couldn’t farm for beans (ha!), and spent all their time killing each other with rocks, sticks, and blowguns. Damn those English for destroying such a valuable, advanced, time-honored culture!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/07/2013  at  08:35 AM  

  2. What made me laugh was he said he would apologise to the ambassador of Bongo Bongo land. The issue here Drew is the majority of politicians and the media are left wing or liberals. The BBC are infested with them and they have infiltrated all levels of the judiciary, schools, Universities and the police. However the people by and large are not liberal or left wing, and I think a lot of people will feel as I do. Britain has ring fenced $15 Billion in foreign aid but is having to borrow to meet that commitment. To me that says something is seriously wrong. The Establishment hate UKIP, but I for one will be voting for them because they speak my language and if the people of Bongo Bongo land don’t like it they can bugger off to Bongo Bongo land.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   08/07/2013  at  12:42 PM  

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