Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Wednesday - July 08, 2009

Williams on Reparations

Outstanding. Not only is the essay a concise bit of wonderful, the first few dozen comments are pure genius. Read, read, read! If “they” haven’t yet revoked Williams Race Card, taken away his government cheese, and reclassified him as a white guy, then this essay will do it.

Senate Slavery Apology
by Walter E. Williams

It goes without saying that slavery was a gross violation of human rights. Justice would demand that all the perpetrators—that includes slave owners, and African and Arab slave sellers—make compensatory reparation payments to victims. Since slaves, slave owners and slave sellers are no longer with us, such compensation is beyond our reach and a matter to be settled in the world beyond.

Absent from the reparations debate is: Who pays? Don’t say the government because the government doesn’t have any money that it doesn’t first take from some American. So which Americans owe black people what? Reparations advocates don’t want that question asked but let’s you and I.

On black people’s side of the ledger, thorny issues also arise. Some blacks purchased other blacks as a means to free family members. But other blacks owned slaves for the same reason whites owned slaves—to work farms or plantations. Are descendants of these blacks eligible and deserving of reparations? There is no way that Europeans could have captured millions of Africans. They had African and Arab help. Should Congress haul representatives of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Muslim states before them and demand they compensate American blacks because of their ancestors’ involvement in capturing and selling slaves?

Reparations advocates make the foolish unchallenged pronouncement that United States became rich on the backs of free black labor. That’s utter nonsense. Slavery has never had a very good record of producing wealth. Think about it. Slavery was all over the South. Buying into the reparations nonsense, you’d have to conclude that the antebellum South was rich and the slave-starved North was poor. The truth of the matter is just the opposite.

The comments are ... superb!

The idea of reparations is ludicrous. Any politician who mentions it again should be kicked in the butt from one end of Pennsylvania to the other. What a bunch of slimeballs.

perhaps it might be cheaper if the country makes a one time reparation payment to every black that sees itself as a permanent victim of life. In exchange for receiving the money, each victim signs a release both absolving all whites from further blame for events they played no part in. In addition to getting the reparation payment, the recipient also renounces all future claims to any and all affirmative action program and any gov’t handout programs. Public housing, free lunches, food stamps and any other giveaways also come to an end.

I think the Senate could do something more meaningful if they apologize to the American taxpayers for wasting their money. Apologized for exporting jobs overseas. Apologized for not securing the borders.

John Casor was the first legal black slave in colonial America—and the man who pressed the court case to keep him a slave was also a black man. Who owes whom reparations? [Drew: it’s a 15 minute read, well worth it!]

Had the gov’t not created the welfare state of gov’t dependence, black communities would likely not be the ruins that they are. If not infantilized with incessant “help”, slavery would have taken its place among other miseries in history and not considered as a reason for the condition of black cmmunities.

Sure, slaves got a bad deal from the slave trade. *Modern* American blacks, however, got a great deal. The average American black is far wealthier, healthier, and freer than the average African black, so slavery actually benefited modern blacks (and it did so at the expense of previous generations of whites whose wages were held down by the cheap black labor). So, logically, if any reparation payments are to be made, they should flow from blacks to whites.

I want . . . Reparations for all the terrible hardships my Irish ancestors went through when they migrated here. After all, it was very MEAN of people in the USA to discriminate against them just because they were Irish.

In the democrat Jim Crow south black American tax dollars were used to build up white social systems, public education and public universities that democrat would not allow black Americans to attend. Black Americans fled democrat hate and violence in the South from 1920 to 1950, only to run into democrat urban discrimination in the North. The apology for slavery and racial discrimination to black Americans must come from the democrat party ... not the United States.

Something you will never hear from the Reparations crowd… Thank you to the many thousands who died in a war to end slavery.

If and when reparations are paid, then what? Does that mean Sharpton and Jackson go away? Will that end the race problem forever, just like electing a black president was supposed to?

It might be worth it, to pay reparations just to be able to say. “Ok reparations have been made now get on with your lives and quit making excuses.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2009 at 11:41 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically-IncorrectRacism and race relations •  
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calendar   Friday - July 03, 2009

A fresh bowl of Crowder


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/03/2009 at 01:37 PM   
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calendar   Friday - June 19, 2009

Weekly Crowder, A Day Late

Crazy Pete’s Embryonic Stem Cell Sale


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/19/2009 at 09:30 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - June 11, 2009

Thursday is Crowder Day

I think he’s trying to skewer Republican stereotypes. I’d give it a C+.

The video was very jerky for me. Perhaps I’m not getting enough bandwidth right now.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2009 at 09:37 PM   
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New Coulter

Best Ann In Ages

Ms. Coulter writes about our President, Poo Cee al-Hussein, and his Middle East junket. Brilliant, and spot on. Go read. Naive much? Gak.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2009 at 10:05 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically-IncorrectTerrorists •  
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calendar   Thursday - May 21, 2009

Weekly Crowder

Waterboarding Nancy Pelosi

Sure sounds tempting!

Here’s Steve ...


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/21/2009 at 09:48 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - May 20, 2009

Preach It! A revolution of truth

Rev. Manning Warning About Obama & Revolution

A New Revolution of Justice!

Wake up out there! You need to wake up now! Before you find yourself on the short end of Obama’s megalomania!

watch the video:
Rise up America! It’s tiiiiiime! Wake up! And rise up!

... or else we might have to wait on Osama bin Laden for rescue!!

a big h/t to CMBlake!

other Rev. Manning videos are on YouTube. Watch a few, and make up your own mind.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/20/2009 at 08:10 PM   
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calendar   Friday - March 27, 2009


This post is an update to Peiper’s The unspoken truth about our language. post from the other day. It’s the sad, but obvious PC conclusion.

Sri Lankan postmaster who refused to serve non-English speakers is sacked

A postmaster who refused to serve his customers unless they spoke English was sacked today. Sri Lankan-born Deva Kumarasiri, 40, told his customers that it was imperative they spoke English so he could understand them and stop queues building up. After he went public with his demand, he was forced to leave his post office at Sneinton Boulevard in Nottingham and move to another in the city. But when Mr Kumarasiri went into work today he was told by the agency that employed him that he had been replaced.

The father-of-two said: ‘I am out of work so it’s very hard because if I don’t get something in the next couple of weeks I will be facing ruin. But I spoke to a friend and he said to let him buy me a post office and I can run it. He is a dear friend.’ Mr Kumarasiri added: ‘I feel definitely let down because it was the five per cent of the ethnic minorities who made this fuss. They don’t want integration and they are the ones that made me leave the Sneinton post office. The other 95 per cent are suffering because of that. It makes my blood boil but at the same time it gives me more courage to go ahead with this now. I am not going to stop. At the moment what we have is a situation where they have got rid of me from that area and I have the full backing of the whole country.’

Mr Kumarasiri moved to Britain 18 years ago and says everyone should embrace British culture.

A petition was circulated among Muslim residents calling for him to go after it emerged he would only serve English speakers. Aurangzeb Kahn, chairman of the local Mosque, said last week: ‘There has been concern that people can be denied Post Office services because they can’t speak English. There is a strong feeling among some local people that this is wrong.

So I guess that even in England English isn’t the official language, and that the Royal Mail will provide interpreters and post all their signs in at least a dozen different tongues. Idiots.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/27/2009 at 02:20 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - February 18, 2009

It’s RACIST!!!

Playing off of the multi-way combo of the Travis the Chimp story from the other day, in which a 200lb pet chimpanzee, after being given Xanax, went crazy and mauled a woman, and had to be shot, along with the “a million monkeys at a million typewriters could eventually write Shakespeare” theme, and the fact that the stimulus package has a whole barrel full of monkeyshines and surprises in it that nobody has even read yet, (and maybe even New Yorkers and their awareness of the NYPD’s shootist proclivity, and maybe even the King Kong meme, or the parallel between a drug habit and a national debt that will never go away, both of which could be called a Monkey On Your Back. Hey, maybe he was thinking that the Dems were monkeying around with our freedoms by pushing this socialist handout package?) NY Post cartoonist Sean Delonas came out with this one today:


Pretty inventive on his part. It would have been even more inventive if the bill had failed; if it had been “shot down”. Then it would have been more perfecter. Alas.

But it’s a monkey see? A chimpanzee. Ignoring completely that for the past 8 solid years not a single hour of a single day went by when the left wasn’t calling Bush a chimp, the reaction was pitiful. And totally predictable. Guess who had to say guess what? You knew it.

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton called the cartoon “racially offensive” and released this statement. This story was also one of the leads on all 6 of the main NYC evening news TV programs.

“The cartoon in today’s New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that ‘Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill.’”

The New York Post is standing behind the cartoon. Editor-in-Chief Col Allan said: “The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington’s efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist.”

Sharpton’s National Action Network has already planned a protest outside the Post’s mid-town Manhattan headquarters at noon on Thursday. The White House says it will not respond to the story.

But Al - Balack Obama didn’t even write the bill. He gave that one over to Reid and Pelosi. Stupid. Poor old Sharpton. He’s pretty much out of work these days isn’t he? Wonder if Obama is gonna give him some special stimulation?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/18/2009 at 11:23 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - February 12, 2009

New Ann

Dear Ann writes about the stimulus bill in her latest column, Goodbye America! It was fun while it lasted. It’s a fairly gentle essay, given her style.

One of the comment leavers, Ralph from Texas, mentions how to make a counter stimulus that could save the country. And save it tens, maybe hundreds of billions at the same time.

1. cut corporate taxes to 0%------ lowers costs, increases competition, increases production, increase jobs, increases consumer spending from those and generates tax revenues from the sales taxe
2. cut capital gains to 0 %- encourages selling, stimulating economic growth for those engaged in the exchange of those assets, perhaps creating jobs, encouraging domestic consumption thereby generating tax revenue
3. cut estate taxes to 0%- similar results from cutting capital gains rate to 0%
4. Net loser - governmental spending- tuff chit here’s your budget -stay within it or we put someone in who will

Way to go Ralph. That’s the common sense approach that only us non-bureaucrats can see. Eliminate taxes that discourage business. Eliminate taxes that discourage investment. Eliminate the estate tax, because it’s just plain unfair. That money has already been taxed 3 or 4 times at least. Don’t spend more than you take in, duh. And the best part? Smaller government. Not that anyone is ever going to listen to that. Ever. At any level, from the Federal right down to the Condo Association level.

I’ve held my nose and watched the NYC news for the past few weeks. The latest fear-o-meme (should that be a fear-o-moan? Which would be an scary idea that seems attractive at first, but you realize it smells in a way you can’t quite identify?) has been “Oh noes! Without the OStimulus, all the teachers, cops, and fireman are gonna be laid off!! We’re all gonna die!!”

No. New York City has a budget that is out of control, by billions. Bloated government, bloated spending. Beyond belief. 8 million Sienfelds taking and taking. Ralph from Texas could fix that problem in a second: snip snip snip. But that isn’t going to happen. All the government jobs will be saved by the Ostimulus. Which is exactly what Ann is writing in her column.

Suck the pockets of your great-grandchildren dry to pay for ever more government workers now. And the rest of us can go jump.

Dear Washington:
Dear Trenton:
Dear Albany:
Dear Mayor Bloomberg:

Sod off.

The way to save the nation is to let the nation be the nation. Get government off our backs and out of our pockets. Yes, in the short run that would make things worse. And if harshly implemented it means people would die. But government needs to be trimmed. Obama was wrong with his “don’t ask if government was too big or too small, instead ask if it works” idea. Government is almost always too big, and it almost never works. So trim the heck out of it, take away most of the jobs, and leave them as an advisory board. Every single law now has a 10 year sunset provision, and that same provision just got tacked onto every law passed in the last 50 years. Every. Single. One. Too many laws. Too many rules. Too many taxes. Too many government employees. Too much government. A lot of it has to go. Let’s start with half, and then cut some more.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/12/2009 at 09:25 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - February 10, 2009

Virgin Atlantic accused of sexism over anniversary advert.  (Sick of all the “isms")


Pardon me folks and maybe it’s just my generation or the fact that I’m male and really do LOVE women.
I don’t get it.  What the heck is it with folks who decide for others just what offensive is.

If there are any ladies here and I’m out of line, please tell me why.

I think this ad is cute. It’s the bee’s knees and all that.  Where’s the insult?  And why should one group speak for ALL women.
The ladies who are well paid to appear in this ad don’t feel demeaned I’m certain.
I suppose there are a few who do take exception to the ad, who do feel insulted by it.  So don’t watch it and don’t fly this airline.

I kinda doubt (and this may be out of line) that the women who find insult in this ad, aren’t fit enough or good looking enough or young enough to be one of the people portrayed in the ad.  Long winded way of saying sour grapes.
I’ll go further and say honestly that I only wish more flight crews were ALL female and ALL of them ALWAYS looked this good.

Believe it or not, there was a time in the early days when the stews really did ALL look great.  But on some flights I’ve taken, with 2004 being the last, the uniforms didn’t look like much and some of the ladies looked like my grandma.  Yes, I realize that’s very shallow of me.  Sorry about that but I really do think it’s just our nature (male) to want stews to all look like a young Ann Margaret. Or Linda Carter. 

Well, that’s my take on it.

What’s yours?

Virgin Atlantic accused of sexism over anniversary advert

Virgin Atlantic’s anniversary TV ad campaign, featuring crowds lusting after female cabin crew, has prompted complaints to the advertising watchdog that it is sexist and insulting to women.

Last Updated: 4:15PM GMT 10 Feb 2009

The 90-second commercial, set to Frankie Goes to Hollywood classic Relax, features a glamorous red-suited cabin crew and pilot walking through a airport for Virgin Atlantic’s first flight in 1984.

As the pilot and entourage walk through the airport crowds of people, mostly men, ogle the array of glamourous air hostesses. One man inadvertently squirts hamburger filling over himself while watching the procession.

At the end of the ad, which runs with the line “Still red hot”, two men are seen mesmerised by the pilot and his crew.

“I need to change my job,” remarks one of the men. “I need to change my ticket,” says the other.

But despite receiving 29 complaints the Advertising Standards Authority said the adverts has received 29 complaints that the £6m ad campaign, which also includes press advertising, is sexist.

The ASA said: “The general crux of the complaints was that the ad was offensive because it was sexist and presented a stereotypical view of gender roles.”

“We considered that most viewers would understand that the ad presented exaggerated stereotypical views of the early 1980s and played upon perceived attitudes of that time in a humorous way.”

The complainants argue that the all-female crew members are being promoted as the main reason for choosing the airline, and that this is insulting to all women, especially those working in the aviation industry.

Virgin is no stranger to accusations of discrimination against flight attendants.

In 2005 a tribunal in Queensland ruled that Virgin Blue, which operates in Australia, had discriminated against eight female flight attendants from rival Ansett, aged 35 to 55, who were not hired “because they weren’t young or attractive enough”.

A spokesman for Virgin Atlantic said: “The ASA has rightly dismissed these complaints, which probably come from competitors jealous of our fantastic cabin and flight crew.

“Our advert has been brilliantly received worldwide and reinforces why so many people want to work for Virgin Atlantic.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/10/2009 at 11:39 AM   
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calendar   Friday - January 16, 2009

Weekend Graphics by Rancino

Health & Safety Message

Excessive consumption of alcohol can alter your vision, lower your inhibitions, and distort your judgement.

Rancino provides a visual reminder to this often ignored truth.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/16/2009 at 10:13 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 16, 2008

The cake heard ‘round the world

Born To Play The Victim Card?

Or just a kid with the world’s stupidest parents?

And it figures ... the story originates just a few miles down the road from here. Just 5 miles past Jayson Williams’ house as a matter of fact ... you remember him, right? Shotgun, dead limo driver, cover up, hung jury and all that?

Little Adolf Hitler denied birthday cake

From Mercury, The Voice of Tasmania The father of a toddler called Adolf Hitler Campbell says it is unfair that a store denied him a birthday cake with his child’s name on it.

New Jersey man Heath Campbell, 35, has decorated his home with swastikas and says he is related to a member of the SS. But he says it is the store that wouldn’t write ”Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler” on a cake that should be showing more consideration for other people’s feelings.

“They need to accept a name. A name’s a name. The kid isn’t going to grow up and do what (Hitler) did,” he told the Associated Press.

But the ShopRite store that refused the cake request says it did the right thing.

“We believe the request ... to inscribe a birthday wish to Adolf Hitler is inappropriate,” spokeswoman Karen Meleta told the Express-Times newspaper.

The store has also refused to make a cake bearing the name of Mr Campbell’s daughter, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who turns two in February.

Mr Campbell and his wife Deborah also have a daughter Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, named for SS head Heinrich Himmler, who turns one in April.

He said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because “no one else in the world would have that name”.

The story actually started here, but there are folks all over looking for odd stories to write on ...

In a living room decorated with war books, German combat knives and swastikas, a 2-year-old boy, blond and blue-eyed, played with a plastic dinner set. The boy, asked his name, put down a tiny plate and ran behind his father’s leg. He flashed a shy smile but wouldn’t answer. Heath Campbell, 35, the boy’s father, encouraged him.

“Say Adolf,” said Campbell, a Holocaust denier who has three children named for Nazism.

Again, the boy wouldn’t answer. It wasn’t the first time the name caused hesitation.  Adolf Hitler Campbell—it’s indeed the name on his birth certificate—turns 3 today, and the Campbell family believes the boy has been mistreated. A local supermarket refused to make a birthday cake with “Adolf Hitler” on it. The ShopRite in Greenwich Township has also refused to make a cake bearing the name of Campbell’s daughter, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who turns 2 in February. Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, a girl named for Schutzstaffel head Heinrich Himmler, turns 1 in April.

“ShopRite can’t even make a cake for a 3-year-old,” said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath’s wife of three years and the mother of the children. “That’s sad.”

A director for the Anti-Defamation League in Philadelphia applauded the supermarket’s decision. An Allentown psychologist said the names would cause problems for the children later in life.
Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.
‘They’re just names’

The Campbells have swastikas in each room of their home, the rented half of a one-story duplex just outside Milford, a borough in Hunterdon County. They say they aren’t racists but believe races shouldn’t mix.

[ No, not racist. They just believe in separate but equal ... which is only allowed these days if you’re black. ]

The Campbells said they wanted their children to have unique names and didn’t expect the names to cause problems.
[ I guess “Shaneeqa” and “Sholanza” weren’t on the short list, eh? And “Z/28” was probably already taken.]
Despite the cake refusal, the Campbells said they don’t expect the names to cause problems later, such as when the children start school.
[ Because the parents will be sending their kids to a private jewish day school, right? ]

Horry Clap. Brain dead toothless trailer trash white supremacist neo-nazis right here in my own county. They probably use their extra fingers to hold a second banjo pick.

UPDATE: And it just gets better! Mullet wearing daddy, complete with swastika neck tattoo, will be (was?) on Allan Colmes’ live radio show. Photos surfacing of the charming couple ... and their knife wielding toddlers.  ... and the story spreads wider to many blogs and news sites ... which is probably just what the parents wanted when they came up with these names. Thousands of people weighing in with one of two opinions, all over the internet.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/16/2008 at 11:34 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically-IncorrectTypical White People: Stupid, Evil, Willfully Blind •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 15, 2008

Obama’s New Wheels

Potent New Presidential Limousine Spotted

Spy photos obtained by show that when President-elect Barack Obama moves to Pennsylvania Avenue in January, he will be handed the keys to what looks to be the most potent presidential limousine ever to carry the American head of state.

At first glance, the unfinished limo looks a lot like the current model used to ferry President Bush around town: an armored Cadillac sedan with a modest stretch job, raised roof line, and mounts on the front fenders to carry the American and presidential flags. But eyewitnesses say the new vehicle is actually much larger, and rides on large wheels similar to those found on commercial grade GMC TopKick trucks. The vehicle was being escorted by two of those big boys at the time it was spotted, leading to speculation that the car is in fact one of them in disguise.

Photos show doors that appear to be nearly 8 inches deep, with thick, fixed windows. Only the driver’s window has a small slot that can slide open, which we assume is for paying tolls. With so much armor on board, it would be no surprise if GM needed to resort to using the bones of a truck to support the added weight.

A source at one of the world’s premier security vehicle manufacturers says that armored cars of this magnitude are capable of withstanding not only armor-piercing bullets, but also attacks from IEDs. A number of electronic countermeasures are known to exist that can do things like jam enemy communications and prevent them from detonating roadside bombs remotely, but many others remain top secret and are available only to customers at the highest levels of government.


Rancino has obtained his own spy photos of an earlier version of the new limo, built to Obama’s original specs:

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/15/2008 at 11:52 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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