Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Tuesday - October 07, 2014

and so it begins anew

Nurse in Spain catches Ebola from patients
First EBOLA transmission outside of West Africa

Is there any point in even pasting some text or providing a link? The headline says it all.

Any country that doesn’t lock it all down right now, and keep it all locked for the next 6 months, is inviting old Boney Face to visit. Sorry to be an alarmist, but I’ve read The masque of the red death, have you?

Signs and portents of the darkest nature for you E.O.D. believers.

A Spanish nurse who treated two missionaries for Ebola at a Madrid hospital has tested positive for the virus, Spain’s health minister said Monday.

It is the first known transmission of the current outbreak of the disease outside West Africa.

The female nurse was part of the medical team that treated priests Manuel García Viejo, who died on Sept. 26, and Miguel Pajares, who died Aug. 12, at the hospital Carlos III de Madrid.

The infection was confirmed by two separate tests, Health Minister Ana Mato said after an emergency meeting held Monday afternoon in Madrid.

According to El País newspaper, the woman checked herself Monday morning in a hospital in Alcorcón, a suburb southwest of Madrid, with a high fever. The identity of the woman, who according to El Pais is 44 years and has no children, has not been released.

Health officials quoted by the paper say 30 people are currently under surveillance, and it is still being determined who she has been in contact with.

Nobody apart from the woman is in quarantine at the moment.

They said the woman went on vacation after García Viejo’s death, but did not disclose the destination. She led a normal life in recent weeks and her only symptoms were a fever and fatigue, Antonio Alemany, Madrid director of primary health care, said in the news conference.

“We do not know yet what could have failed, we are investigating the mechanism of infection,” he said.

The World Health Organization confirmed there has not been a previous transmission outside West Africa in the current outbreak. WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib told The Associated Press that so far there have only been confirmed cases in West Africa and the United States, and no known transmission outside West Africa. The organization is awaiting official notification of the case from Spanish authorities.

Really? She’s dealing with ebola patients, they die, so even though she has a fever and feels exhausted, she thinks nothing of it and goes on vacation? Is this another case of terminal stupidity?  I’m sure anyone who met a middle aged Spanish lady on vacation this week is just about crawling up a wall right now. Nice of them to not tell people where she was.

I’m very proud of, and highly supportive of, those in the caring professions who are dealing with this disease. But I’m not in the least sorry to say, that, NO, you can’t come straight home, and NO, you aren’t going to have free movement for a month afterwards. The rest of us can’t afford the risk. They’re going to have to stay on Butterfly Island for a month. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/07/2014 at 02:53 AM   
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a night at home, yay

I get to sleep in my own bed tonight, woo hoo.

And after a medical appointment of my own tomorrow, I’ll head back up there.

The family health situation is much better, but still not completely out of the woods yet. So more hospital visiting and home preparing on my part will be on the duty roster the next few days. But hey, bowling Friday, so I get the weekend off. I hope.

Meanwhile, I’m having a nice gin & tonic, then getting some sleep.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/07/2014 at 02:39 AM   
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calendar   Friday - October 03, 2014

Brain Dead Idiots


Taken by a news helicopter, this picture allegedly shows grounds keepers cleaning up the vomit left by Duncan, aka Ebola Patient #1 at his apartment complex. No protective gear, and a power washer that can blast infectious particles dozens of yards.

Follow the link.

We haven’t dealt with a real, actual, infectious disease since the polio scares of the 50s. People don’t understand. We need training. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/03/2014 at 03:05 AM   
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State Of Flummox

Not sure where I’ll be the next week. Family health issues. I’ve got to compact all my weekend stuff into about 6 hours Saturday night, then I’m out of here to go visit and support for several days after that.  Not too much to worry about, so far the situation doesn’t look that bad. Have to take it a day at a time.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/03/2014 at 01:13 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - October 02, 2014

Today They Search For 100


USA Ebola Ground Zero: Thomas Eric Duncan

Health Officials Searching For 100 People Who Had Contact With Duncan

Public health officials in Texas acknowledged the possibility that someone else could contract Ebola, widening their search Thursday for 100 individuals possibly exposed to the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S.

According to the Dallas County Health and Human Services, this group of 100 potential contacts were identified by the group of 12-18 people who first came into contact with the infected man, identified as Thomas Eric Duncan.

“It’s constantly evolving, people are going to get added, people are going to get dropped off,” Dallas County Health and Human Services spokeswoman Erikka Neroes told “How many people will contract Ebola, we don’t know that. [There’s a] possibility someone may. We’re out there working to make sure [it’s] under control.”

Five schools in the Dallas Independent School District sent letters home with parents informing them that a student at the individual schools may have been in contact with the Ebola patient. The five students— none of whom showed symptoms— were told to stay at home away from school. The letters noted that “there is no imminent danger to your child.”

“The important thing is none of the people on any of the lists show any signs or symptoms of Ebola as of yet,” Neroes said. “We all know by now, you can’t catch Ebola without any contact with someone while they are symptomatic, according to the CDC.”

The family of Duncan is under orders to stay at home, in isolation for 21 days, the duration of the Ebola virus incubation period. If they have not become symptomatic after that time, they no longer have to remain in isolation, Neroes said. 

And how did all this happen? Duncan was in Liberia, helping move patients dying from Ebola (with his bare hands???). Then he got on a jet and came here. They’re all dead. He’s really sick now. Whatever airline it was, I personally will NEVER fly with them.

Duncan is originally from Monrovia, Liberia, according to his Facebook profile. He currently lives in Accra, Ghana.

Not even an American citizen.

He was visiting family in Dallas, Texas after contracting the disease while in Liberia just days ago.
While he lists Accra as his residence, it says he still lives in Monrovia.

Parents of a woman who has Ebola say that he had direct contact with her on September 15, just four days before he left Liberia for the United States. Duncan rode in a taxi to a hospital to help the woman, Marthalene Williams, 19, when she began showing symptoms of the disease. Duncan is described as a family friend. He then helped carry Williams back to the family home that evening.

“He was holding her by the legs, the pa was holding her arms and Sonny Boy was holding her back,” said Arren Seyou, 31, who witnessed what happens and lives next to Duncan. Sonny Boy, 21, started getting sick about a week ago, around the same time that Duncan started showing victims. Sonny Boy later died.

Duncan often told neighbors that his son lived in the U.S. and was trying to get him to America. Duncan worked as a driver at Safeway Cargo for the past year before quitting recently.

After arriving in the U.S., Duncan may have come into contact with five children from four different schools, according to the Dallas Independent School District.

Officials are also monitoring about 12 other people who may have been exposed, including some members of his family, and three members of the ambulance crew that took the man to the hospital.

They will be checked every day for 21 days, the disease’s incubation period.

“That’s how we’re going to break the chain of transmission, and that’s where our focus has to be,” Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on Wednesday.

The CDC reminded the nation’s health care providers to ask patients with symptoms if they’ve traveled recently. The American College of Emergency Physicians planned to alert its members as well.

United Airlines said in a statement on Wednesday that the CDC told it that Duncan flew on United Flight 951 from Brussels to Dulles Airport near Washington, before boarding Flight 822 from Dulles to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. A Belgian official says the man flew from Liberia to Brussels on Brussels Airlines.

But health officials say there is no risk of infection among other passengers because the man, Duncan, had no symptoms when he flew. He sought medical care Sept. 24 in Dallas.

Apparently Duncan went to a Dallas emergency room last week but was sent home, despite telling a nurse that he had been in disease-ravaged West Africa.

I know some ER staff that need to be shot, guilty of the crime of being too stupid to live.

Apparently Duncan went to a Dallas emergency room last week but was sent home, despite telling a nurse that he had been in disease-ravaged West Africa.

The decision by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital to release the patient, who had recently arrived from Liberia, could have put others at risk of exposure to Ebola before the man went back to the ER a couple of days later, when his condition worsened.

The patient explained to a nurse last Thursday that he was visiting the U.S. from Africa, but that information was not widely shared, said Dr. Mark Lester, who works for the hospital’s parent company.

“Regretfully, that information was not fully communicated” throughout the medical team, Lester said. Instead, the man was diagnosed with a low-risk infection and sent home.

No, don’t shoot them. Burn them at the stake first.

more links ...

Wiki says Liberia is 85% Christian, 12.2% Muslim, and 0.5% animist. How frightening would it be to find out that this suddenly unemployed Liberian who had never been to the USA before, even though his family had been trying for years to get him to go, was ...


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/02/2014 at 03:41 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 01, 2014

And Over The Edge We Go, Again


Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed that a person in Dallas definitely has the Ebola virus. Tuesday’s official determination makes the patient, now isolated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, the first diagnosed Ebola case in the United States.
CDC Director Thomas Frieden related the information that the individual who tested positive had traveled to Liberia.
“We received in our laboratory today specimens from the individual, tested them, and they tested positive for Ebola,” Frieden stated. “The State of Texas also operates a laboratory that found the same results.” After the confirmation statement, Frieden went on to stress that the testing for Ebola is very accurate, saying that it is a PCR test of blood.

As far as the medical condition of the infected patient, Frieden said that he “is critically ill at this point.”
After confirmation of the virus, the City of Dallas was put on Level 2: High Readiness. The city is now working closely with DCHHS and the CDC.

Nice try, but it’s already too late. Bring in the Army, and cordon off the city. Food gets in, but nothing and no one gets out. Yeah, right, like that’s even possible.

The first case of Ebola diagnosed in the U.S. has been confirmed in a man who recently traveled from Liberia to Dallas, sending chills through the area’s West African community whose leaders urged caution to prevent spreading the virus.

The unidentified man was critically ill and has been in isolation at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital since Sunday, federal health officials said Tuesday. They would not reveal his nationality or age.

Authorities have begun tracking down family, friends and anyone else who may have come in close contact with him and could be at risk. Officials said there are no other suspected cases in Texas.

At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Director Tom Frieden said the man left Liberia on Sept. 19, arrived the next day to visit relatives and started feeling ill four or five days later. Frieden said it was not clear how the man became infected.

“I have no doubt that we’ll stop this in its tracks in the U.S. But I also have no doubt that — as long as the outbreak continues in Africa — we need to be on our guard,” Frieden said, adding that it was possible someone who has had contact with the man could develop Ebola in the coming weeks.

“But there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here,” he said.

Stanley Gaye, president of the Liberian Community Association of Dallas-Fort Worth, said the 10,000-strong Liberian population in North Texas is skeptical of the CDC’s assurances because Ebola has ravaged their country.

I have exactly ZERO faith that it will be stopped. The guy was out and about in the population for nearly a week before even going to a doctor. It will be a miracle if there aren’t 100 cases reported by two weeks from now. The evil genie is out of the bottle; the New Black Death is now here.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/01/2014 at 12:38 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 23, 2014

tired now

I spent all morning at the dentist. Got a fair amount of necessary work done. Only two more trips next month and I’ll be done, and only need cleanings for a few years.

Now that most of the Novacaine has worn off, and my mouth no longer feels like it’s the size of a watermelon, I think I need a nap.

I was a good patient, calm and cooperative. But I so hate going to the dentist. Beats me why; my doctor is top notch. It just feels like volunteering for a bit of recreational torture. “Just a few lacerations today please, and how about we only dislocate one, no, call it two, joints. Thanks awfully.” Once I’m in the chair I’m fine. It’s getting there that’s hard to do.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/23/2014 at 05:42 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 18, 2014

Worry, It’s Not Malaria

National EV-D68 Epidemic?

Cases of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) are exploding all across the country with nearly 20 states reporting dozens of cases. The outbreaks are growing so quickly that the Centers for Disease Control are lagging far behind announced cases.

On Wednesday the Washington Post reported that 16 states had reported cases of the respiratory illness. But only hours later, New Jersey also announced it had found some cases quickly bringing that number up to 17. Then Minnesota became the 18th state later that same day.

The outbreak has been growing since at least mid-August.

The CDC confirms that children are most susceptible to D68 because their immune systems are not yet developed enough to beat the virus.

Also, the CDC says children with asthma seem to have a higher risk for severe respiratory illness.

There are currently no vaccines for D68 and doctors suggest that those at risk keep their hands clean, avoid touching their faces, avoid kissing and hugging, and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as counters, tables, and even toys.

So far, cases of D68 have been seen in Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Since mid-August, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had confirmed 140 cases of respiratory illness caused by Enterovirus D68 in 16 states: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

New Jersey also has confirmed a case of EV-D68, according to Donna Leusner, director of communications for the New Jersey Department of Health.

And “in the upcoming weeks, more states will have confirmed cases of EV-D68 infection,” the CDC said in a statement Wednesday.
Enteroviruses are very common. The CDC estimates that 10 million to 15 million infections occur in the United States each year. These viruses usually appear like the common cold; symptoms include sneezing, a runny nose and a cough.

Most people recover without any treatment. But Enterovirus D68 seems to be exacerbating breathing problems in children who have asthma.

In July and early August, doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta diagnosed 15 to 20 children a week with serious respiratory infections—a normal number for the summer months.

Then, pediatricians started to see more children who were having trouble breathing, more parents with worried looks on their faces.

Since school started, the hospital has seen an average of 100 cases a week.

“We are seeing a double to quadruple increase in the number of children with respiratory infections,” says Dr. Andi Shane, hospital epidemiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

Over at American Thinker, from a couple of weeks back, is a statement of the blindingly obvious:

The dire prediction is that in the coming weeks and months, Enterovirus EV-D68, origin unknown, is due to spread to all 50 states and afflict great numbers of otherwise healthy children.

Referring to borders between states, ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser said a mouthful when he pointed out that “Viruses don’t tend to respect borders.” The problem for America is that if international borders are not respected, viruses native to other countries migrate as well, and to date are being scattered around the nation, rather than deported.

What more potent a formula for disaster than “unaccompanied minors” with all sorts of contagious diseases coming across the border into our communities, and more specifically into our schools, where American children are now falling ill.

That’s why the obvious question is this: Where did Enterovirus EV-D68 originate and did it ‘entero’ the U.S. via illegal children?

Dr. Besser contended that enteroviruses tend to show up in the summer, which, this year, just so happens to coincide with thousands of unvaccinated and sickly illegal children infiltrating the U.S. border.

Besser also claimed the virus spreads when children go back to school. Unfortunately, what the good doctor chose not to mention is that viruses of unknown origin have more of an opportunity to spread if public schools are overrun with illegal students infected with God-knows-what.

Then Besser said, and this is a winner for sure, that “This particular Enterovirus EV-D68 is very rare and they have no idea why it showed up this year.”

If Dr. Richard Besser doesn’t suspect that the flood of children from south of the border are bringing with them all sorts of Third-World diseases and are likely the primary source of this and many other illnesses poised to become a problem, then maybe ABC News needs a new Chief Health and Medical Editor.

Prior to this break out, EV-D68 had not been seen in the USA since the early 1960s. Nearly 50 years ago. Sure does make you wonder.

Assuming ICE hasn’t accidentally crashed its hard drives, a la the IRS, or hired Hillary’s staff to purge their emails and documents too, it would be more than educational to see where all those buses, trains, and planes full of illegal kids got shipped to, and if there is any correlation with those locations and the EV-D68 outbreaks. Um, right. Who am I kidding? You know, and I know, and so does everyone else who is even only slightly honest (which rules out nearly all the government) that the correlation is nearly 100%.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/18/2014 at 02:47 PM   
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No Worries, It’s Only Malaria

Wow, what a world we live in. A ship from Africa arrives here full of sick sailors, the docs get to work, and the fear alleviating word goes out:

It’s Only Malaria


U.S. health officials were alerted to the situation Wednesday morning and a statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they would have U.S. Coast Guard, Louisiana Department of Health, and EMS crews on-hand to meet vessel near New Orleans and transport the ill crewmember to a local hospital for evaluation and care.

The CDC said that the vessel’s itinerary did include a recent call in Matadi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but the chances of the crewmember having Ebola was thought to be exceedingly low. The CDC added that it will also be evaluating two other crewmembers reported to be showing minor symptoms of illness.

“The vessel’s itinerary did include Matadi, DRC, in addition to other ports, but there is no evidence to suggest that the crew members traveled to, or had any contact with anyone from the remote inland region of DRC where Ebola cases are occurring,” according to the CDC.

The vessel is believed to be the Liberian-flagged MV Marine Phoenix. AIS data from MarineTraffic showed that the most recent port of call was in Panama.

CDC: No trace of ebola on NOLA bound ship

In a statement released late Wednesday night, the Centers for Disease Control stressed that crew members on a freighter inbound to New Orleans were suffering from malaria and show no traces of Ebola.

First responders who took those individuals to the hospital wore protective garb as a precaution, though health officials noted early on that it was extremely unlikely that Ebola was to blame for the sickness on the Marine Phoenix.

The ship remained at anchor in the Mississippi River near Belle Chasse. It was expected to continue its voyage to New Orleans early on Thursday.

statement from CDC: CDC, along with local and federal officials, responded today to a report of illness on a ship at the Port of New Orleans. Earlier today, local EMS transferred three of the ship’s crew members to a local hospital.

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) confirmed a positive test result this evening for malaria in the patient being treated at a New Orleans-area hospital. DHH shared this information with CDC and local officials. The other two patients had mild symptoms and are being assessed. Another ill crew member disembarked in the Bahamas two days ago, where he was diagnosed with malaria and later died.

Malaria is spread by mosquitoes and does not spread from person to person. Approximately 1,500-2,000 cases are reported every year in the United States, almost all in recent travelers.

The ship’s itinerary included Matadi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in addition to other ports. Based on a hospital’s request, CDC conducted testing on the crew member who died, and the results showed that this crew member was negative for the type of Ebola that is causing the current outbreak in West Africa. Ebola is not suspected as a cause of the other crew members’ illnesses. No crew members had known exposures to Ebola.

Get used to seeing news reports like this. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/18/2014 at 02:07 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 10, 2014

Going Asymptotic

Asymptotic growth is the next level of steepness in a mathematical function that has already surpassed exponential growth. The smallest increase on one side of the equation yields huge, nearly infinite results on the other. Since actual infinity can never be reached, the slope of the graph approaches 0 or undefined, depending on whether the function goes “over” or “up”.

Ebola Death Toll Increases TEN PERCENT In ONE DAY

This is a catastrophe, and it’s about to explode into a continental calamity. Better close the gates right the heck now, before it’s too too too late.

Yesterday’s News: World Health Organization: Ebola Has Killed 2,288, Nearly Half in Past 21 Days

[ That’s a 50% increase in fatalities in 3 weeks, roughly 55 new deaths per day. ]

Liberia is bracing for an upsurge in Ebola cases, following a grim World Health Organization assessment on Tuesday that the worst is yet to come in the fight against the killer virus.

While the WHO predicted an “exponential increase” in infections across West Africa, it warned that Liberia, which has reaped the lion’s share of misery with half of all fatalities, could initially only hope to slow contagion, not stop it.

The UN’s health arm upped the Ebola death toll Tuesday in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria to 2,288 out of 4,269 cases, noting nearly half of all infections had occurred in the past 21 days.

The WHO also evacuated its second infected medical expert, a doctor had been working at an Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone.

Emory University Hospital in Georgia on Tuesday admitted an American who had contracted Ebola in West Africa, but the hospital has declined to confirm it was the WHO employee.

Ebola, transmitted through bodily fluids, leads to haemorrhagic fever and—in over half of cases—death. There is no specific treatment regime and no licensed vaccine.

The fresh WHO figures underscore Ebola’s asymmetric spread, as it rips through densely populated communities with decrepit public health facilities.

And, sad as it is, it is quite literally yesterday’s news.

This is today’s news:

Ebola death toll rises to at least 2,296, WHO says

The death toll from the worst Ebola outbreak in history has jumped by almost 200 in a single day to at least 2,296 and is already likely to be higher than that, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

The WHO said it had recorded 4,293 cases in five West African countries as of Sept. 6, a day after its previous update.

But it still did not have new figures for Liberia, the worst-affected country, suggesting the true toll is already much higher. The WHO has said it expects thousands of new cases in Liberia in the next three weeks.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said on Tuesday she expects the Ebola crisis gripping her country to worsen in the coming weeks as health workers struggle with inadequate supplies, a lack of outside support and a population in fear.

“It remains a very grave situation,” she told an audience at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, via Skype from Liberia’s capital Monrovia. “It is taking a long time to respond effectively .... We expect it to accelerate for at least another two or three weeks before we can look forward to a decline.”

Liberia’s defense minister told the United Nations Security Council that Ebola posed a mortal threat to the country.


According to the Oxford prediction, these countries are at risk of animal-to-human transmission of Ebola by virtue of their geography: Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Togo, United Republic of Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar and Malawi.

No, the numbers don’t line up because the reports keep getting updated. But the death toll is rising, and growing at a growing rate. That’s what exponential growth means. And asymptotic growth comes right after that. It’s really only a matter of semantics.

55 a day became 200 a day in just over 3 weeks. And that’s with no report from Liberia. How many tomorrow? 400? And 500 by Friday? 1000 a day by Monday? 10,000 by next week?

There isn’t really anything that can be done. That magic vaccine is just in the test phase. It’s not like there are tens of thousands of gallons of it sitting around, which is what you’d need to inoculate a population of ten million people. Maybe there are a couple cups full in all the world.

Eventually there won’t be any more people in Western Africa to get infected. They’ll all be dead, recovering, or naturally immune. And this plague will burn itself out. But first it will infect Central Africa, then Southern Africa. Millions are going to die. And nothing can be done. That’s the horrible truth.

In the meantime, I don’t want anybody coming into my country from anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa. Period. Shut the gates, cancel the flights, turn the ships around. Set up a bunch of tents out on Plum Island, or in Area 54 out in the desert. You’ve been in Africa in the past month, then it’s into the tent with you. Period. You’ve been in Western Africa, and it’s into the tent wearing a space suit. Period. We’ll feed you and assign you a doctor, and if you’re still alive in 30 days you can leave.

We need to institute radical quarantine, and we need to do it 100% and we need to do it right the heck now.

Or we’re all going to die.


Aren’t you ever so glad that Bush and Obama got the borders secured?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/10/2014 at 05:20 PM   
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calendar   Friday - September 05, 2014

Would You Believe?

Classic Don Adams, as Agent 86 in the old Get Smart sitcom ...

Smart: At the moment, seven Coast Guard cutters are converging on us. Would you believe it?

Mr Big: I find that hard to believe.

Smart: Hmmm . . . Would you believe six?

Mr Big: I don’t think so.

Smart: How about two cops in a rowboat?

A hacker broke into part of the insurance enrollment website in July and uploaded malicious software, according to federal officials.

Investigators found no evidence that consumers’ personal data was taken in the breach, federal officials said. The hacker appears only to have accessed a server used to test code for The Department of Health and Human Services discovered the attack last week.

An HHS official said the attack appears to mark the first successful intrusion into the website, where millions of Americans bought insurance starting last year under the Affordable Care Act. It raised concerns among federal officials because of how easily the intruder gained access and how much damage could have occurred.

“Our review indicates that the server did not contain consumer personal information; data was not transmitted outside the agency, and the website was not specifically targeted,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a written statement. “We have taken measures to further strengthen security.”

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
- The White Queen, Through The Looking Glass


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/05/2014 at 02:27 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - July 22, 2014

A Slim Ray Of Hope

DC Court Guts Obamacare

WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court dealt a major blow to ObamaCare on Tuesday, ruling against the legality of some subsidies issued to people through the Affordable Care Act exchanges.

Though the ruling is likely to be appealed, the decision threatens to gut the foundation of the law by potentially nixing subsidies that millions of people obtained through the federally run exchange known as

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that the IRS went too far in extending subsidies to those who buy insurance through that website.

The suit maintained that the language in ObamaCare actually restricts subsidies to state-run exchanges—of which there are only 14—and does not authorize them to be given in the 36 states that use the federally run system. 

The court agreed.

“We reach this conclusion, frankly, with reluctance. At least until states that wish to can set up Exchanges, our ruling will likely have significant consequences both for the millions of individuals receiving tax credits through federal Exchanges and for health insurance markets more broadly,” the ruling stated. 

The case, Halbig v. Burwell, is one of the first major legal challenges that cuts to the heart of the Affordable Care Act by going after the legality of massive federal subsidies and those who benefit from them.

The decision said the law “unambiguously restricts” the subsidies to insurance bought on state-run exchanges.

Right. Obvious as dawn to me: equality under the law. The same law for everyone, with the same benefits and penalties. You can’t give taxpayer X a big fat subsidy check because she lives in a state with an Exchange, while denying taxpayer Y - identical to taxpayer X in all ways pertinent - any kind of subsidy because she doesn’t live in a state with an Exchange.

I’m not sure if that was their reasoning, but I think it ought to have been.

The decision is likely to be appealed, and for now, in typical law breaking brazen fashion, the White House says it will ignore the court’s decision and continue sending out subsidy checks to the right kind of people.

Obamacare. Is there any part of this garbage pile that doesn’t reek of tyranny?

Of course, without those subsidy payments, people who signed up for O-care and traded in their less expensive policy for a new more expensive policy, will find themselves paying even more.  Maybe even twice as much, or higher!

Nearly 90 percent of the federal exchange’s insurance enrollees were eligible for subsidies because of low or moderate incomes, and the outcome of the case could potentially leave millions without affordable health insurance.

Yeah, as if “paying twice as much as before” qualifies as “affordable” in the first place. Now take away the subsidy. Suckers.

Gee, maybe somebody responsible ought to throw this thing out and start all over.

This whole Obamacare thing is a turd sandwich. Without any bacon.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/22/2014 at 09:06 PM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineObama, The One •  
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calendar   Sunday - July 13, 2014

Preparing For The Influx

I’m going to put my money where my mouth is ... or at least where my arm is. I am strongly concerned about the illegals flooding our nation, bringing in all sorts of germs and plagues with them.

If my government won’t stop them, then the least I can do is protect myself. So I’m going to get a full round of vaccinations. Some I had as a small child, so a booster shouldn’t hurt. Some I’ve never had, so I’m at risk already.

I can get it done at Walmart. Don’t even have to go to a medical clinic, but I think I will just to get good advise. No point getting a shot I have no use for.

It’s not that expensive if you don’t have insurance, and if you do it’s probably covered.  Are you up to date and ready for the flood?

Schedule of CDC recommended vaccinations for adults below the fold, or follow the link above.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/13/2014 at 03:36 PM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Thursday - July 03, 2014

The Other Side Of The Coin

My attempt at being Fair and Balanced.

A couple days ago the VRWC (aka the Conservative blogosphere) was all afire with some “insider” story about doctors being threatened with arrest if they talked to anyone about the medical situation with those illegal alien children being warehoused at Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas:

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

Several prominent bloggers took great umbrance that the “security goons” in question not only were calling themselves “Brown Shirts” like Hitler’s goons back in the 30s, but that the security people were provided by BCFS, the Baptist Children’s and Family Services program, which had been hired by the federal government to handle the whole situation there. BCFS has a long history of public assistance, disaster relief, and emergency management. Plus, they’re located right there in San Antonio.  Hundreds of others posted on the story with more general outrage. The jackbooted thugs of militarized government!!

And while the Fox News article did have some statement from BCFS’s external affairs head, the vast majority of the story was rather frantic.

So instead of jumping on the old blog bandwagon and doing my easy “Samizdat” duty, I hunted down BCFS and contacted them for a statement. Every coin has two sides, right? So here you go. Form your own opinions. I personally am not the kind of person who will leap to lump the generations old outreach program of a major Christian faith in with whatever twisted anarchist politics deliberately caused this catastrophe to happen.

For 70 years, BCFS has provided high-quality care for children, families and communities in, operating with the greatest level of transparency and integrity. Our team is comprised of professional emergency management and health care professionals, and the safety and security of those in our care are protected by off-duty commissioned law enforcement officers.

In response to misinformation reported in the news, here are the facts about the care being provided for children at Lackland Air Force Base:

§ Protection and Privacy of Children. The children at Lackland Air Force Base are under the conservatorship of the federal government and, like any child in foster care, their personal information is private. As a result, all persons involved in providing care and service to the children must agree to protect the identities and health records of the children in our care, just as any hospital or childcare operation requires. Breaching personal health information or professional standards of care or ethics is unacceptable and grounds for dismissal.

Contrary to allegations by anonymous former employees of our temporary staffing agency, none of our Lackland shelter professionals have been arrested or threatened with arrest for any activities related to shelter operations.

§ Health Screenings & Illnesses. The children cared for at Lackland are ALL medically screened and immunized based on CDC guidelines on vaccinations. If a child feels ill, he or she is taken to an on-site clinic, staffed with a pediatric ER physician as well as mid-level providers, nurses, paramedics and a pharmacy tech.

To date, 119 children have been treated for lice, 22 children have been treated for scabies, and 1 child was sent and admitted to a local children’s hospital where they were diagnosed with the H1N1 Flu. The most common illnesses seen at Lackland are fever, headache, upper respiratory colds, and ingrown toenails (another result of the children’s travels from Central America).

§ Multiple Layers of Behavioral Health Resources Consultation. A 16-person team of mental health clinicians are currently assigned to the Lackland shelter and have direct access to a psychologist for consultation 24/7. Clinicians are supervised closely by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Office of Refugee Resettlement Federal Field Specialist, who ultimately has decision making authority regarding all health and mental health matters.

The same is the case for medical care. Every illness, whether it is a headache or something more serious, is recorded in a child’s electronic medical record and posted on WebEOC – a real-time, web-based platform providing epidemiological tracking of all clinic visits is visible to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and state health authorities.

At BCFS’ request, Metro Health (the local health authority for San Antonio), Department of State of Health Services, and U.S. Public Health authorities have inspected our facility and had access to freely converse with our medical staff and children.

§ Communication. Similar to standards in crisis centers and schools, staff are not permitted to have their cell phones on the shelter premises in order to protect the safety and privacy of the children we are serving. Additionally, we want our staff’s full focus to be on the children and operational activities while they are on duty. To ensure rapid and effective workplace communication, all staff are given two-way radios and access to land lines throughout the shelter.

§ Professional Security. To protect the children and staff, security is provided by off-duty law enforcement officers. Our incident management team personnel (whose uniform includes khaki shirts and navy pants) have extensive training in the National Incident Management System and all-hazards response. These personnel serve in various roles to support the coordination of the operation and logistical requirements and primarily have first responder backgrounds, such as emergency management, fire service, and medical services. Also, all personnel at the shelter actually wear a colored shirt or vest to denote their particular role and responsibility. For example, child care personnel wear blue shirts, medical personnel wear gold vests, and custodial personnel wear gold shirts. This procedure is common practice not only for emergency response operations, but in many work environments so as to be able to readily identify a person’s role where large numbers of people are present. 

Since operations at Lackland Air Force began on 18 May, numerous officials from the state and federal government, health care agencies, faith-based organizations and the news media have visited the site, including members of Congress and the Texas Legislature; the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services; local, state and public health authorities; medical professionals; the Texas Attorney General; military leaders; Department of Defense officials; child defense attorneys; and the Archbishop of San Antonio and other pastors. Media was also provided a full tour of the facility on 5 June, and reported on their accounts of the clean, safe operations at the Lackland shelter.

Krista Piferrer, MHA Executive Vice President – External Affairs BCFS


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/03/2014 at 01:28 PM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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